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This Shadowrun site is maintained by Dredd and contains collaborative info given by my chummers, Fetch and Nameless.
Do you know where your meat body is?


Renraku Arcology closed for over a month. Still no word from inside.....Mob War said to be over. Bigio Family holds the reigns to the local mob.....Violence increases in local Stuffer Shaks, more citizens arming themselves.....Cross Applied Technologies finds new home in Wilmington Corporate Enclave....."One Eyed Jacks" now 33% complete! Keep watching for its web release!

Hello everyone, and welcome to my home. The inpossible has happened. I got a jack installed. Stop laughing you drekwits! I'm getting better at this decking thing. DE SysOp has been giving me lessons and it's helping. His donation of hardware and software (okay, fencing of stolen programs and decks, satisfied?) has been put to good use. I'll be keeping him on of course. He's still a far sight better than me.
So here we are again and I'm doing quite a bit of spring cleaning. The Data Haven is getting a little bit cluttered. Okay it's a fragging mess (and April 26th didn't help any. Those of you who have seen Chernobyl's effects on a Matrix wide scale know what I'm talking about.), but I'm working on that. SysOp and I are at work removing old graphics and hopefully replacing them with keen new ones. I don't know when it will be completed, but I'm hoping that things will look much nicer after a few licks of electronic paint and a little bit of the sprawler touch. Be on the lookout for new graphics and other such stuff. SysOp will be handling it, so bitch to him when you get frustrated about broken images.
With that said, enjoy what I have here. It's yours for inspection.
--Dredd {02-27-60/00:20:01}
All Things Dredd
The Shadowrun Awards
Rules and Stuff - New Rules and Passages about the Shadowrun World
Delaware Shadows - New data on one of the U.C.A.S.'s forgotten states!
Shadowtactics - Street level tactics from one of Seattle's finest bodyguards
Tarot Magic - A practical guide to the Tarot and the Shuffled
The Philly Games - Features the Philadelphia's Phinest SR Timeline!!
"Lone Star Shadows" - Created by Jamie Price and Novelized by Burt Hopkins
Shadowrun Third Edition - Get the scoop on SRIII

Come to the Dark Side, Luke. You'll need MSIE 4.0 to view this site.

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Legal Drek: Shadowrun is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original Shadowun Copyright 1995 by FASA Corp. All rights reserved. Used w/o permission, but why would FASA care??? Any use of FASA Corp's copyrighted material or trademarks in this file should not be viewed as a challenge to those' copyrights or trademarks, so get used to it. Any pictures/ images/names found within that are copyrighted to FASA are also taken w/o permission, and no wrongdoing is meant by this. Also, some of the images on this site have been borrowed without permission from varied sources. The Datastore, SPU, and LAN pictures have been created by me in accordance with the Matrix Geometry TMed in SRII by FASA Corp. No wrong doing is meant by this. Fade Applet Created by Giusseppe Genarro

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