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New Disciplines

In these final nights, the blood of caine runs thin through his childer's veins. And as the clans fail to bear their distinguishing characteristics when their blood is passed, so do their talents change. The following disciplines have begun to appear in the city of Boston and as the abundance of Caitiff emerge, so do their strange gifts become ever more prominent.

City Protean

Level One: Electric Eyes

The kindred's senses are sharpened much like the Protean ability of Gleam of the Red Eyes, but instead of amplifying sight in low light environments, this discipline allows thew kindred in question to see in the infrared spectrum, making it easy to find suitably "full" prey and of course, other vampires.

System: Same system for Gleam of the Red Eye as seen in V:tM

Level Two: Steel Claws

The kindred can sprout dangerous, sharpened steel claws from her fingertips. These claws deal aggravated damage to other kindred and garou. Using these claws before mortals however can be explained away (admittedly with difficulty) as they are made from metal and if wielded correctly can pass as a knife strike as the fingertips will glisten with the quality of metal.

System: Same system for Feral Claws as seen in V:tM

Level Three: Street Meld

This discipline gives a kindred the ability to merge with any substance below him given time. While it's forebear, Earth Meld takes minutes to complete, Street Meld takes longer unless the kindred in question is willing to spend more blood. Once melded with whatever lies beneath her, the kindred is safe from being unearthed up until the next night. Blood may be spent to increase the amount of time melded within the ground.

System: Same system for Earth Meld as seen in V:tM. Also, an extra blood point may be spent in order to meld with the ground more quickly. For each day a kindred wishes to stay interred in the ground, he must spend an additional blood point in addition to the blood point he loses for the draining.

Level Four: Plague of Rodents

This is the pinnacle of city Protean. The kindred using Plague of rodents can transform his entire body into a horde of rats. The rats will bend to the will of the kindred until he chooses to reform. This ability has allowed many Caitiff to escape from the clutches of the Scourge.

System: Same system for Form of the Beast as seen in V:tM but with a few noted differences. When a kindred activates the discipline and spends the amount of blood required, he is practically uncapturable. The rats may be destroyed, but as long as so much as one rat escapes, the Kindred may reform. However, kindred reforming in this manner are all the worse for wear when they re-assume human form. If over 50% of the kindred's body weight in rats is destroyed a frenzy check must be made immediately after reforming.


Level One: Aura of Water

A kindred using this discipline has built a supernatural level of fortitude against fire. It cannot reduce rotschreck, but the ability to withstand the flames is quite useful in these final nights.

System: The kindred spends one blood point to activate Aura of Water for one combat turn. It works within the same parameters as Fortitude, but only in regards to fire based sources of damage, including supernatural sources such as path of flames.

Level Two: Generate Flame

Kindred using this level of Firebug can generate small, but quite useful, patches of flame. Most effects of this discipline are small, but can spark flamable objects easily.

System: The kindred spends one blood and makes a Manipulation + Occult roll against a difficulty of six. The results go as follows:

Level Three: Face the Flames

Like the Merit of the same name, this discipline enables the kindred using it to more easily resist the effects of rotschreck.

System: The kindred spends a blood point to activate the power. It lowers the difficulty by two against rotschreck frenzy for the duration of a scene.

Level Four: Engulf

By simply touching and object, the kindred with this ability can cause any single object, regardless of size, to immediately catch fire in an all consuming burst of flames.

System: The kindred uses three blood points and makes a roll against a target number of 8. The following successes are needed for targets

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