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Other Sites Worth Seeing

Other Shadowrun Sites

Shades of Meaning - A cool page by my friend Jamie Price
Galadrim - Sci-Fi and Roleplaying from the good old University of Delaware
Fasa Online - Fasa's official weblink
Shapcano's Shadowrun Stories - Lots of stories and links for SRII!!

Art Related

CW Animation - CGI portfolio of my friend and colleague, Corrine Williams
Macross Mecha - A Big ol' website devoted to the finest Macross mecha designs in the whole world
3D Cafe - The resource for cool 3D modeling stuff.
MJK Online - Graphic Design - A homepage for my cousin Mike. Hire him while he's cheap!


Yahoo! - Need stuff? Find it here!
X-Files - The Official Webpage for the X-Files
Gary's Big 80's Hopmepage - A haven for the Children of the Eighties
Treon's Page - Chock full of RPG goodness for Nintendo platforms
TerraServer - Ever wondered if you could spot your house from 20 miles up? Find out!
Baron Inc. - Home of a good friend, the Baron, Erik Mitsch.

Places I Don't Work At Anymore

Radius Communications - Advertising solutions. Creators of the FYI Channel. - America's Number One Online Bookstore. But hey, the books are cheap.
Art Institute of Philadelphia - Not only a place of employment but my alma mater for college.

Class of 1996

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