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Supporting Cast

Adam • Antonio • Azrael • Bernard • Bobby • Broken Glass Pack • Bruno • The Crimson King • The Damned's Favored • Michel Descartes • Issac Drake • Eddie • Emmerson • ForunatoFox • Franklin • Gary • George • Peter Giovanni • Hedge • Ivan • Judas • Julie • Kali • David LaMornay • "The Scourge" Mac Leod • Marcus • Michael • Momma Joan • Robert Morrow • James Murdoch • Shanna • Shaw • "The They" • Vincent • Whisper

Please excuse the mess here my children, but the night still plays out it's story and not all characters have been fully exposed. Some have not even begun their roles, but no matter. They are marked here on the nightshift. Boston is not the home to the Kindred alone, and all of the prominent players are here for all to see once they enter the stage of the last acts of the final nights.

A Malkavian deputy under the illusion that he is an actual police officer.

Dark and Secretive, the city’s seneschal stands quietly in the shadows, offering the services of the clan Tremere to the Prince.

The watcher of the woods, Azrael stands ever vigilant, making sure kindred and kine alike respect his woods.

The Thin-Blooded Caitiff sired by George. He possesses abilities that are enigmatic to other kindred, as do several other similarly afflicted vampires. He is the only thin-blooded of his circle that has come out of the strange visions plaguing the Unbound.

A former deputy under Hedge. After imbibing the blood of a black spiral dancer, he was brought back to Clan Tremere by Nicholas, for reasons not totally known.

Broken Glass Pack:
A pack of enigmatic lupines of Glasswalker/Bone Gnawer stock. The coterie has encountered them, but where?

A Ventrue who’s been around the block… and turned profits wherever he goes. Owner of the Velvet Shark, he is a gambler often seen in the company of Ghost.

The Crimson King
The elusive crimson king mentioned in the Prophecy of Bernard. He has become the going concern of the outcast coterie.

The Damned’s Favored:
A pack of violent, deranged and utterly inhuman spiral dancers.

Michel Descartes:
Primogen of Clan Toreador and survivor of the Red Terror of the French Revolution.

Issac Drake:
Whip of Clan Toreador and viewed as being just savvy enough to take the position of Primogen if he so desired.

New Poseur in town from the Toreador clan. He is already being watched and branded by others of his clan.

Yet to be introduced.

Yet to be introduced.

The torpored lover of Azrael, Fox lays beneath the concrete of a secret Gangrel hiding place.

The Keeper of Elysium and one of three Brujah still loyal to the Camarilla.

Owner of a mortal blackmarket store. Sells guns and whatever else desperate kindred might be looking for for relatively cheap prices.

A caitiff and recent victim of the strange series of Arson in town.

Peter Giovanni:
Yet to be introduced.

The traitorous former Sheriff of Boston. Presumed to have met Final Death after a bloody and violent confrontation atop Boston’s newest skyscraper.

James Murdoch:
A mortal detective who is beginning to wise up to the way things really work in Boston.

The coterie has met this being as well, but where?

A mousy little kindred go between for Shaw and the Thin Blooded.

Yet to be introduced

David LaMornay:
The head Warlock in Clan Tremere. He studies esoteric religions and collects thaumaturgical lore. It is said that Antonio and he are rivals.

“The Scourge” MacLeod:
Silent, dark and forbiding, he hold the right to destruction of those he finds in violation of the Traditions.

Yet to be introduced.

A mysterious player in the Boston power struggle, he seems to be riding both sides of the Anarch/Camarilla fence.

Momma Joan:
An old woman seen in a dying park area by Shala. She knew Momma Joan, and it terrified Shala.

Robert Morrow:
Ventrue Prince of the City. He has had much to think about in latter nights, or rather the final nights.

Where have they seen this one? They have met, but who is she?

A more human than human kindred. He still breathes, his heart still beats and his aura is almost human. But at his core, he is one of the new generation of Thin-Blooded kindred. Believed to be the leader of the Unbound.

“The They”:
A group of mortal children, ten to twelve years old, befriended (mostly) by Shala. Adam, Pepper, Wes and Pete make up this strange group that bring Shala the word on the street.

The Nosferatu Primogen, gone missing as of late.

Krieger's past comes back to haunt him. Literally.

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