Banner by Claire M.

Last update: May 22, 2001

Vision Quest Press announces Angel's Heart 2

Readers: can't find enough good Angel fic on the web?
Writers: Want to have your story published in hard copy? Vision Quest Press is now taking submissions for 'Angel's Heart 2', a printed fanzine dedicated to everybody's favourite vampire with a soul!

Willow/Angel Fanfic

fanficwriter Bestwriterwinter99

The Hell Series

Spring 99 Hell on the Body
1st in the series. Angel’s thoughts while in Hell. This story includes Angel owies. Please consider yourself warned. (Rated R-ish, 16K)

Hell on the Soul
2nd in the series. Angel’s soul makes a painful journey. Nominated in the "Dead Boy Award for Best Representation of Angel" category in the Scooby's! (Rated R-ish, 38K)

Spring 99 To Hell and Back
3rd in the series. Despite Angel’s warning, Willow brings him back from Hell. (Rated PG-13, 62K)

The Road Back from Hell
4th in the series. A little fluff piece about Willow and Angel’s growing friendship. (Rated PG, 17K)

Winter 99 The Cold from Hell
5th in the series. Another fluff piece. (Rated PG, 24K)

I'd Follow You into Hell
6th in the series. Final fluff piece, Angel gets a rude awakening. (Rated PG, 31K)

Spring 99 The Hell in Wanting...
7th in the series. By popular demand... (Rated NC-17, 45K)


Banner by Serendipity.

You Forgot to Mention Hell, Horatio

(BtVS/HL) Whoo-hoo! Winner of *11* Forbidden Love awards including best crossover -- three times in a row! Set in the 'Hell Series' Universe, it's my take on what would happen if the Scooby gang met up with a different kind of Immortal. Everybody's favourite ROG guest stars. Finally completed on April 4, 2000. (Rated PG-15, 600+K) New to the 'Hell Series'? Read the Author's Notes for a short summary of what you might want to know.

Parts 1-5 Parts 6-10 Parts 11-13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16a Part 16b
Part 17 Parts 18-20

xoverSpring99 xoverWinter99 best_crossover_first

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Posting...
(BtVs/HL/DS/TS) Humor -- not W/A. This is what happens when you write in too many fandoms. (Rated PG, 34K)

The Scattered Thoughts Series

These stories started out as a writing exercise in the 'stream of consciousness' format. While all the stories so far have been from either Willow or Angel's POV, my goal is to expand it to include pieces from the other characters as well.

Winter 99 Scattered Thoughts: Sorry Now

Missing scene from Doppelgangland. What was going through Angel's head from the point where he sees Evil Willow in the Bronze to point where he finds her in the library? Added May 19, 1999. (Rated PG-13, 11K)

Winter 99 Scattered Thoughts: The Look in Your Eyes
Missing scene from Prom Night. Willow and Angel's thoughts after the end of the episode. Added August 14, 1999. (Rated PG-13, 62K)

Scattered Thoughts: The Road Has Come to an End
Missing scene post-Graduation 2. Willow's thoughts as she reflects over recent events and the upcoming departure of a good friend. Added May 30, 1999. (Rated PG, 11K)

Summer 00 Scattered Thoughts: Promise You Forever
Post-Graduation 2. The long-awaited sequel to 'Road Has Come to an End'. What happened that night after Willow left for the mansion? (Probably one of the longest PWP's on record). Added January 1, 2000. (Rated NC-17, 139K)

Summer 00Scattered Thoughts: Kiss the Rain
Post-'Pangs'. Written in response to a 'dialogue only challenge' from a friend. Willow and Angel reconnect after Thanksgiving with a little help from the phone company. Added May 24, 2000. (Rated PG, 19K)

Scattered Thoughts: Wells of Silence
Post-Angel ep 'Heroes'. Firmly settled into his new city, Angel struggles to cope with a devastating loss. Added May 9, 2000. (Rated PG/PG-13, 39K)

Coming Soon! Scattered Thoughts: A Silence Falls
Post-Angel ep 'Heroes'. A follow-up story to 'Wells of Silence', told from Willow's POV. (Rated PG-13, ?K)

Other W/A Stories

Everlasting Moon

Published in the fanzine, 'Angel's Heart'. Six years after Graduation Day, two old friends run into each other again. Completed October 12, 1999/Added July 8, 2001. (Rated PG-13, 90K) Click here for more information on 'Angel's Heart'.

I'll Stand by You
Angel comforts Willow in the wake of a tragic event. Added May 22, 2001. (Rated PG, 51K)


Fic from ‘Angel: The Series’

Please note that some of the Scattered Thoughts series is set during episodes of Angel.

Seeing Red

Just a humorous little story to get my feet wet in a new fandom. Cordy and Doyle are running an office pool on when exactly Angel will...well, read it and find out! Added January 3, 2000. (Rated PG-13, 16K)

Not enough W/A fic for you? For additional recommendations in all sorts of fandoms (including W/A), check out my recs page at JR's Multi-Fandom Recommended Stories

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