Marius’s Corner

Original Erotic Fiction

One of the nicest things about having my own webpage is being able to give forum to all kinds of creativity, be it my own or that of others. It is my pleasure to be able to host the stories of one of my best friends in all the world, Marius. The stories that are posted here are original science fiction erotica. I hope you will find them as steamy as I have. If you like what you read, please be sure to feed the writer!


Journal Entry #1
1st in the series. Join human adventurer Alex Carfax as he and his other-worldly lover, Ariell, daringly rescue the beautiful Helen from a life of slavery. M/F/F. (Rated NC-17, 29K)

Journal Entry #2
2nd in the series. It’s Christmas aboard the Methos, and Alex is feeling a little blue being so far from home. Will Arielle and Helen ever be able to distract him. M/F/F. (I’ll give you one guess ;-) (Rated NC-17, 16K)

Journal Entry #3
An interlude in the series. An excerpt from Helen's diary, describing (in loving detail) just how she spent her birthday. (Rated NC-17, 13K)

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