Snips and Snails...

The time has come, the slasher said, to write of many things...
Of thieves and ships and flying bats...

At last count, I have over twenty unfinished stories languishing on my hard drive. The fandoms vary -- Hornblower, Highlander, Batman Beyond, Due South, Once a Thief -- but the intent remains, especially since many of the stories are already in excess of 100+ pages. This will be the home for any stories I complete in ‘orphan’ fandoms. I hope you will enjoy, and if you do, please let me know.

Last update: June 21st, 2001

Horatio Hornblower



Crossover with Highlander Universe. An old friend pays his respects. The first part in what will (hopefully) be an on-going series. Added June 21st, 2001. (Rated PG, 15K)

Batman Beyond


Leaving the Past

My answer to the question that still plagues me every time I watch Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker. Why didn’t Terry ever follow up on Commissioner Gordon's suggestion to track down Nightwing? Added June 17th, 2001. (Rated PG, 18K)

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