Songs You Know by Heart 5: Please Come Home for Christmas (Part 10)

by JR

Back to part 9.

Archive summary: After a four month separation, Jim anxiously awaits Blair's return to Cascade for the holidays.

Pulling the younger man in for a kiss, Jim felt himself drowning in the now-familiar tastes of Blair's luscious mouth. It didn't last long, though. Detaching himself with a last lingering kiss, his Guide began trailing his hands from their perch on the Sentinel's shoulders down to the bottom of his wool sweater. The garment was quickly removed and thrown aside, leaving a thin T-shirt as the only barrier to the firm flesh underneath. Blair's hands repeated their journey down Jim's muscular chest; only this time his lips followed closely behind.

Long elegant fingers grasped the cotton shirt and nimbly pulled it free from the waist of the Sentinel's pants. Holding the fabric bunched in his fists, Blair lifted the shirt only high enough to expose the rippling flesh that surrounded Jim's navel. Leaning forward, the younger man placed his lips at the edge of the hem, and used his tongue to lick the small section of exposed flesh. Each time he completed his oral explorations of an area, Blair would raise the shirt another few inches and repeat the entire process.

The series of nibbles, licks and kisses was nothing but pure torture for the Sentinel. By the time the younger man reached the upper part of his chest, Jim was certain that he was going to lose control and come right there on the spot. Blair seemed to understand his Sentinel's dilemma. Just before he reached Jim's nipples, he paused in his ministrations to remove all of the older man's remaining clothing.

Jim's newly-exposed skin was flushed with passion, his hard nipples and powerful erection were ridged, almost as though they were reaching out to silently beg for the younger man's touch. However, Blair was frozen in place, finding exquisite pleasure in just looking at the vision before him. The Sentinel watched as those passion-darkened eyes trailed up and down his body until they finally rested on his hard cock. The intense scrutiny sent an involuntary twitch through his swollen member, and Jim couldn't help but smile when his Guide gasped in surprise at the movement.

With the assault on his body interrupted, some of Jim's higher reasoning abilities returned. Judging by his Guide's rising body temperature and escalating pulse, the younger man was incredibly turned-on just by looking at his Sentinel's firm body. Wanting to indulge Blair, Jim slowly turned around, allowing his Guide to drink his fill. By the time he completed the circle, the younger man was almost panting from the desire that was flowing through him. Even from this distance, the Sentinel swore he could feel the heat rolling off of Blair's hard erection.

"So beautiful, so perfect," Blair managed to say, in between the small gasps of air he was reduced to taking.

"It's all yours, now and always," Jim responded before moving closer for a kiss. As their mouths fought a gentle battle, the Sentinel worked quickly to undress the smaller man. Once Jim managed to complete his task, he reached for Blair and pulled their bodies together tightly.

The skin-to-skin contact dragged moans of unbridled passion from both men's throats. The disparity in their heights prevented their erections from rubbing together, at least not without some uncomfortable contortions. Rather than remain standing, Jim gently eased them down onto the waiting mattress.

With their tongues still rolling around each other, the Sentinel pressed his larger form against his Guide's heated flesh. As their cocks came into contact with each other, Jim felt the warm rush of air accompanying the moan that escaped from Blair's mouth. Moving in tandem, they both began to slowly undulate their hips to increase the pressure on their throbbing erections.

The sweet friction was rapidly driving the Sentinel close to the edge of release. Not wanting to rush, Jim broke his mouth away to explore Blair's body with the same kind of intensity the younger man had used to explore his own just a little while ago. Licking and kissing, the Sentinel began at his Guide's ears and worked his way downwards.

Using his sense of taste, Jim catalogued the subtle differences in each inch of flesh; the mixture of musk and shampoo that was prevalent just below the younger man's ears, the slight flavor of laundry detergent along the area where Blair's collar rubbed against his neck, the salty tang of sweat along Blair's pectoral muscles that seemed to grow sweeter in taste as he moved further downwards.

When Jim reached the first distended nipple, he used his tongue to gently circle the aureole, carefully avoiding any direct contact with the already throbbing peak. Blair's back was arched, blindly trying to put the sensitive bud in the path of his Sentinel's wet tongue. With a tender parting kiss, Jim moved his mouth away, leaving behind a trail of kisses as he made his way across to the other waiting nipple. He smiled as the dusky hair that was so prevalent on his Guide's chest tickled his nose as he continued his ministrations.

Once Jim reached his destination, he repeated his actions, only there was one slight difference this time. The maddening circles he made were wider this time, due to the nipple ring that stood in the way. The tightness in the tender bud forced the hoop to lay at a slight angle, away from the younger man's skin. Fortunately, it also happened to leave just enough room for the tip of Jim's probing tongue to maneuver under without moving the ring itself. Without any warning of what he was about to do, the Sentinel forced his agile tongue into the hoop and gave it a gentle tug.

The effect was breathtaking. Shrieking in ecstasy, Blair's back arched up from the bed. His hands flew to capture Jim's head and lock it into place, as a constant stream of pleas for more escaped his lips. The scent of semen wafted up to tease the Sentinel's nose, and with a quick look down at his Guide's groin, he easily saw the glistening drops of pre-cum that his action had produced. The tantalizing sight was enough paralyzed Jim with sheer lust.

Taking advantage of his Sentinel's momentary distraction, Blair managed to reverse their positions. He kissed a trail down Jim's torso, paying homage to the rippling muscles and heated flesh, as he made his way downward. With short licks to Jim's nipples and navel, Blair didn't stop until he reached the swollen erection that was his ultimate destination.

The Sentinel's eyes were tightly shut as he silently prayed for the velvety lips of his Guide to touch his throbbing member. Placing a trembling hand on the top of Blair's head, Jim wordlessly urged the younger man towards his cock. The sound of Blair's quiet chuckle was still echoing in the Sentinel's ears as his Guide pressed a soft kiss to the tip of his rock hard shaft.

"Ummm," Blair moaned enthusiastically as he began a series of sweeping licks along the head.

As the velvety lips engulfed the first few inches of his cock, Jim's back arched off the mattress in an effort to find more of the powerful pleasure that only his Guide's mouth could offer. He felt more than heard Blair gagging as the Sentinel's first involuntary thrust forced the full length of his erection deep into the younger man's throat. Instantly aware of his blunder, Jim sank back down on the mattress as he shot Blair an anxious glance.

Blair pulled back slightly, resting his warm cheek against the thick mat of coarse hair that surrounded the base of Jim's cock. As guilt overcame him, the Sentinel quickly untangled his hands from his Guide's long locks. The younger man's eyes were still misted over, no doubt an aftereffect from the accidental choking. Jim only hoped that Blair could read the sincerity in his expression.

"Oh God, Blair. I'm so..."

"Don't," Blair interrupted in a consoling tone of voice. "It's okay, Jim. Besides, I kinda like knowing that I can make you lose control," he said with a smile that was half amazement and half lechery. With that said, the younger man leaned forward to finish what he had started. As he took several inches of the long shaft into his mouth, this time Blair remembered to relax the muscles of his throat to avoid gagging.

The pleasure Jim was feeling was absolutely sinful. Somehow, his Guide managed to engulf about three quarters of the Sentinel's erection; and the dual sensations of Blair's tongue flitting quickly along the shaft in concert with the powerful throat muscles that gently massaged the head of his cock were driving him wild. Jim's moans of passion were quickly reduced to pitiful whimpers as he felt the onset of his orgasm approaching. White-knuckled, he grasped the thick comforter in both hands, desperately reaching for anything that would keep his hands from grabbing the younger man's head and fucking the talented mouth that was expertly sucking him off. One look at the sight of Blair's long curls bobbing up and down as he worked over Jim's heated flesh was enough to send the older man over the threshold.

"Oh Blair,...coming!...I'm gonna come!...aaaAAHH!" he wailed as he shot his semen into Blair's waiting mouth.

His Guide swallowed his seed greedily, as though he were determined not to waste of precious drop of his Sentinel's essence. Like a kitten, Blair's tender licks cleaned up any remnants of Jim's passion. Shivers ran through his large form each time the warm tongue made contact with his overly sensitive flesh.

"Sounds like you enjoyed that," Blair teased before he left one last parting kiss on the slit at the top of the softening shaft. His task completed, he crawled up to sprawl over Jim's larger frame like a human blanket. The Sentinel took advantage of the reprieve to catch his breath, while his Guide pressed phantom-like butterfly kisses along his face and shoulders.

'How does he do that so well? Is it instinct? Natural talent? Did he read a book? Right, Ellison. Knowing Blair, it's a lethal combination of all of the above,' Jim wondered to himself once the warm haziness that followed orgasm began to melt away. It wasn't long before his thoughts were interrupted as he became aware of his Guide's unsatisfied erection pressing against his stomach. Wanting to give Blair the same pleasure the younger man had just given him, the Sentinel wondered if he would be able to actually do it. Steeling his resolve, Jim decided to find out.

Gently reversing their positions, the older man retraced the path he had made down Blair's body before the younger man had reversed their positions. He made mental notes of the more sensitive areas as he journeyed downward, filing the information away for future reference. By the time Jim reached Blair's groin, the younger man was trembling from a combination of hope and need. He swore he could almost hear his Guide's silent pleas not to stop before he reached the prize that Blair was offering to him.

Stalling for time, Jim wrapped his hand around the base of the swollen shaft, and began pumping his fist in a slow rhythm. The gentle pumping caused Blair's hips to start undulating, almost, it seemed, of their own volition. Taking a deep breath, Jim brought his mouth to his Guide's cock for the first time.

"Jiiiimmm!" The long, sweeping lick of the Sentinel's tongue wrenched the wail of approval from the younger man. Encouraged by the cry, Jim repeated the action twice more, varying the pressure and speed each time.

"OhGod!OhGod!OhGod!" Blair moaned.

Jim reeled as his senses were bombarded by stimulations. They were all reporting in at the same time, overwhelming him for a moment. It took all of his considerable willpower to bring order to his chaotic thoughts, but it was well worth the effort. He started by cataloguing the unique feeling of the tender flesh under his tongue; the silk-over-steel contrast of the soft skin thoroughly engorged by the blood moving rapidly just under the surface. The dichotomy of the smooth flesh marred by the raised veins was like nothing he had ever felt before. It was as unique as the taste of his Guide's semen; a thick, rich mixture of salt and something Jim just accepted as 'Blair.'

"Don't stop, Jim. Oh God, please don't stop. Lick me. Suck me." Blair's litany of pleas emboldened the Sentinel to explore further. Dipping downward, Jim nuzzled at the younger man's balls, before drawing first one, then the other into his mouth. "Jesus!" he heard Blair hiss through clenched teeth.

Now that Jim managed to overcome his irrational fear of this particular act, he was ready to explore each and every part of his Guide. With a tender kiss to each testicle, Jim continued on to trace the ultra-sensitive flesh of Blair's perineum with his tongue. As if sensing his Sentinel's intent, Blair drew his legs up by hooking an arm under each thigh, exposing himself completely to the older man. Knowing the level of trust it required for Blair to offer himself like that, Jim felt a rush of desire race through him. If the Sentinel harbored any doubts about what he was planning to do next, they evaporated in that instant.

Leaning forward just a bit, Jim shifted his hands to the firm globes of Blair's ass, spreading the cheeks further apart for better access. Starting at the base of Blair's sac, Jim left a warm trail of saliva as he traced along the cleft, stopping just short of the delicate entrance to the younger man's body.

"Jiiiiimmm! Oh pleasepleaseplease!" The needy words echoed in the Sentinel's ears as his tongue made contact with the sensitive flesh of Blair's anus. A deep moan erupted from low in his Guide's throat as Jim used his tongue to trace circles around the nerve-laced opening. Blair's hips were bucking wildly, forcing the Sentinel to tighten his grip in order to continue his gentle rimming of the hole.

As the contact became more erratic, Blair's passion-hazed mind finally grasped the problem. With Herculean effort, Blair managed to bring his movements marginally under control. The thrusting motions gave way to squirming as he tried to find a thrusting motion that would increase the pleasure without dislodging the tongue that was giving it. Noting the force of will it must have taken his Guide to stop the wild undulations, Jim rewarded Blair by working his tongue into the puckered opening and gently moved it in and out.

A stream of sobbing moans reverberated through the loft as the Sentinel proceeded to tongue-fuck his Guide. It was only moments before Jim saw Blair's balls draw up as the younger man rushed towards orgasm. With a soft kiss to the tender hole, Jim moved back, ignoring his Guide's demands not to stop.

"I want to be in you, Blair. Please, I need to feel you, to be inside you."

Jim was reaching for the new tube on the nightstand even before his Guide nodded his consent, too breathless to actually speak any words. It didn't take long before he pressed the first slick finger into Blair's waiting ass, only to be rapidly joined by a second. 'God, I don't remember him being this tight,' Jim marveled as he worked to loosen the protective ring of muscle that guarded the tender entrance. 'If he's this tight around my fingers, what is it going to be like when I get my dick inside him?'

Despite the lust that welled up in him at the thought, Jim took his time in preparing the younger man. He would rather be emasculated than cause Blair any unnecessary pain. Ignoring the ache that was caused by his powerful erection, the Sentinel added a third finger to insure that his Guide would be well-stretched before he proceeded any further.

"Please Jim, now! I need you now!" Blair begged as he thrust fiercely back on the probing fingers.

The Sentinel could only manage a jerky nod to acknowledge his agreement. Thoroughly coating his cock with an generous amount of lube, Jim quickly positioned himself against the waiting entrance. Pausing for just a moment, he looked directly into the passion-darkened eyes before leaning down for a gentle kiss of reassurance.

"I love you, Blair," Jim said tenderly as he pushed forward. The powerful ring of muscle squeezed the head of his cock as it broke through, forcing the air out of his lungs in a hiss of pleasure. He tried to go as slowly as he could manage, using Blair's respiration to judge when the younger man was ready to take more.

The younger man couldn't prevent the soft whimpers that escaped him as his body struggled to acclimate itself to the unusual invasion. Whispering soft words of encouragement in between a rain of soft kisses, the Sentinel gradually slid his shaft into the hot passage, and after what seemed like an eternity, Jim was finally buried to the hilt in his Guide. He could still see the pain and tension in the younger man's face, so he waited until Blair signaled that he was ready for more.

"I...I'm okay," Blair gasped, but Jim wasn't convinced. The rapid pounding of his Guide's heart betrayed the brave words. Withdrawing an inch or so, the Sentinel started as softly as he could manage, only deepening the thrusts when he felt Blair start moving against him. It wasn't long before Blair's hips were encouraging him to go faster, drawing a moan of pleasure from the Sentinel. After a few minutes, Jim was taking long strokes; pulling out until only the head of his cock remained buried within Blair, only to plunge his full length back into the depths of the younger man's ass. Time ceased to have any meaning as they moved against each other.

"God, Jim. You feel so good, so big. More, please more," his Guide groaned as he increased the rhythm of his counterthrusts. Blair threw his legs around Jim's waist and locked them together at his ankles. The shift changed the angle of the Sentinel's strokes, causing his shaft to brush directly against Blair's prostate.

"YES!" Blair screamed, as the incredible rush of pleasure raced through him. Jim knew that his Guide was much closer to completion than he was, and set out to give Blair the release that he needed now, rather than drawing it out until they could come at the same time. Snaking a hand between their sweaty bodies, Jim grabbed his Guide's cock; the simple touch enough to trigger Blair's climax.

"Gonna...come...can't stop...oh...OH...JIM!" With lightning speed, his Guide's legs slid back down to the bed, only to be replaced by his hands clamping down on the firm flesh of the Sentinel's ass. The impossible grip held Jim's hips in place with strength the older man hadn't known Blair possessed.

Without any movement to distract him, Jim felt every part of Blair's orgasm; the tightening of the balls, the flow of semen through the throbbing shaft, the pulse of the long spurts that shot the come onto both of their stomachs. However, it was the sensations around his own cock that sent Jim over the edge. As the powerful sphincter muscles contracted around the base of his cock, the shaft was massaged by the echoes that rippled through the tender flesh of Blair's passage.

"Oh shit! Blair!" Jim yelled in surprised. Breaking Blair's iron grip, the Sentinel managed half a dozen pounding strokes into his Guide's ass as he came. Blackness hovered at the edge of his vision due to the power of the unexpected orgasm. With one final thrust, Jim collapsed onto Blair.

The intensity of their lovemaking left both men in a stupor, both trying to calm their rapid heartbeats. With the last bit of his remaining strength, Blair urged Jim to roll off of him, unable to breathe with the larger man's bulk pressing down on him.

The Sentinel was almost asleep when he felt more than heard his Guide start to laugh.

"What's so funny, Chief?" he asked, his voice hoarse from his earlier screams.

"We forgot the whipped cream," Blair chuckled.

"There's always tomorrow," Jim suggested helpfully before joining the young man's quiet laughter.

"The night is still relatively young," Blair stated seductively.

"Have mercy on an old man, Sandburg. I don't think my heart can take another bout like that last one without some rest," Jim pleaded as Blair cuddled his face against the Sentinel's broad chest.

Whispering 'I love you's,' they both quickly slipped into slumber.

On to Part 11

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