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Campfire Tales From The Crypt


First Annual

Halloween Writing Contest!

I know, I know, it's the middle of the summer and the thought of pumpkin guts and trick-or-treaters makes YOUR head spin around. But, I wanted to give everyone enough time (warning?) to think about entering this contest.

The Theme for the contest is (you guessed it, by George!) Halloween.

Now that doesn't mean you have to write a story centered on this particular holiday. What I'm hoping and looking for is themes dealing with ghosts, spirits, demons, vampires, witches, monsters, mummies, the supernatural, mysterious events, haunted cemeteries, aliens, etc, etc. In effect, scary stories. Please, no devil worshipping or infant sacrifices, or anything that would be considered offensive to the majority. (email me if you aren't sure if your idea would apply)


Stories can be either seriously scary or hauntingly humorous.

Stories must be at least five pages long, and can be as involved as you want them to be, from the riders sitting around a campfire trading ghost stories to one or more of the riders having an "encounter" with whatever it is you're writing about.

Now, common, popular "urban" legends and ghost stories are fair game, but you must fit them into the time and theme of The Young Riders.

The Young Riders characters (or character) must appear in your story, and preferably be your major character(s).

The stories must not be posted on any other page (for the purpose of fairness) until voting closes!

Feel free to send the story as a whole, or in parts to be posted all along, as long as the last chapter is in by the deadline!

The contest is officially open to entries right this minute. The longer your story is here, the more people will have the chance to read it. However, entries will be accepted up until October 30th. No entry arriving after October 30th will be eligible for voting.

Voting will begin on November 5 and Continue through the 12th of November.

Winner(s) will be announced during the weekend of November 12-14, 1999.

PRIZES (what you've been waiting for, right?)

I would love to offer the winner of the contest a $500 check, but seeing as I am and in November still will be a poor college student, I cannot do that unless I win the lottery. I will offer the winner his or her choice of $20 or a cool mystery prize of approximately the same value to those who are more sporting in nature...

More info on voting methods will be provided closer to the opening of the polls!

Please, those of you thinking of submitting, read these Guidelines on Submitting Fan Fiction!

I know this is a different sort of story for many of you to consider writing, but I thought it would be fun to get in the mood of my favorite season, AUTUMN! (which I'm desperately wishing for now in the heat and humidity of a Georgia summer!) Besides, I'm working on a sort of supernatural type piece (Satan's Midnight) and it is TONS of fun! Try it, you've got nothing to lose and a whopping $20 to gain! LOL!

Haunt Safe, and have fun!

With all that said on the contest...

Read the Entries


Direct all questions, comments, and most importantly submissions to me via "Scar-E-Mail!"

If you think you might be interested in writing a story for this contest sometime between now and October, would you mind dropping me a line and letting me know? It isn't going to be a binding contract or anything, I just want to get an idea what kind of response to expect to the contest! Thanks! :)

The Way Station
Campfire Tales
