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OK these are question's I get to much of! Please read these before you send me an e-mail. And if you don't get a reply to an e-mail your question was in here!

Q:What is Dragon Ball GT Final Bout?
A:Dragon Ball GT Final Bout is a game made for playstation that coms in American and Japanese.

Q:Can I download it some where?
A:Not that I know of because its a playstation game and I don't think someone would upload such a big file.

Q:Can you send me images, sounds, music, and full episodes?
A:No sorry it would take to much time.

Q:Can you please send me full episodes?
A:No I don't have 2 hours to send 1 episode in the mail.

Q:Whats that intro thing on your web page?
A:It's a flash image that a kid made for me.

Q:Can you make me one?
A:I don't know how to so no

Q:Can you give me the kid's e-mail so he can make me one?
A:I'm sorry but no, I dont want him to be over worked.

Q:Can you link my site to yours?
A:No sorry I hate when people ask me I only link sites that I visit or when I run a looking for links day.

Q:Can I link you?
A:Sure if you want to.

Q:Whats Dragon Ball GT?
A:Goto my info page to find out a little about it.

Q:What program did you use to make your images?
A:Photo Impact 5 and GIF Animator 4, if you want a demo version of it goto

Q:Can you send me bebi's moves?
A:OK I forget most of them, but bebi is not a good character don't waste your time with him!

Q:Can you make me an image?
A:No sorry I don't have time to.

These are all the questions I get over and ove’