Homoeopathic Repertory
Dizziness, early stage - Arnica
Dizziness, chronic - Silicea
Digestive disorder from mental overwork, sedentary habits, high living
- Nux Vomica
Digestive disorder of drunkards - Nux Vomica
Digestive disorder from over eating - Nux Vomica
Digestive disorder from fatty food - Pulsatilla
Digestive disorder from rich food - Carbo veg
Digestive disorder from decayed food - Arsenic Album
Digestive disorder, putrid indigestion - Carbo Veg
Digestive disorder, gas in stomach better by belching - Carbo Veg
Digestive disorder, gas throughout abdomen - China
Digestive disorder, burning throughout alimentary canal - Iris V.
Digestive disorder, acidity - Acid sulph, Robinia
Digestive disorder, bad taste in the morning, acidity, heartburn, no thirst - Pulsatilla
Digestive disorder, sinking feeling, relief after eating - Anacardium
Digestive disorder, liver symptoms - Chelidonium
Digestive disorder, women, no interest in family - Sepia
Digestive disorder, flatulence, bitter or sour taste, constipation, sinking feeling at 11 A.M. - Sulphur.
Digestive disorder, water vomited as soon as it gets warm in stomach,
craving for cold food and drink, stomach erosion - Phosphorus
Digestive disorder, weak hungry feeling at 11 A.M. - Sepia,
Phosphorous, Sulphur, Nat Carb.
Digestive disorder of the aged, loss of fluid, long illness, tired feeling,
backache, - Kali Carb.
Digestive disorder, everything he eats seems to turn into gas
- Arg Nit, Iod, Kali Carb
Digestive disorder, fat, chilly and costive, relieved by eating, skin
disease - Graphites
Digestive disorder, relieved by eating - Anacardium, Petroleum,
Digestive disorder, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, burning, better by heat
- Ars Alb.
Digestive disorder, catarrh of stomach, sour rising, yellow coating centre of tongue, constipation, liver involvement - Hydrastis.
Digestive disorder, flatulence, violent belching, ulcerative pain,
craving for sugar, spasm of chest - Argentum Nit.
Dreams of accidents - Digitalis, Arnica, Belladonna, Calcarea Carb,
Lycopodium, Nitric acid, Veratrum Album.
Dreams of animals, snakes - Argentum Nitricum, Lac canium
Dreams of business matters forgotten during the day - Selenium
Dreams of death - Arsenic album, Lachesis
Dreams of drinking - Arsenic Album, Medorrhinum, Natrum Mur,
Dreams of exertion - Bryonia, Rhus tox.
Dreams, fantastic, pleasant - Opium
Dreams of fires, lightening, flames - Belladonna, Euphrasia, Lachesis,
Dreams, happy - Sulphur
Dreams of bleeding - Phosphorus
Dreams of flying through air - Apis, Sticta, Rhus glabra.
Duodenal ulcer - Kali Bich
- Lycopodium (for prevention)
Drooping of lids, double vision - Gelsemium
Dwarfishness - Baryta Carb
Dropsy - Apis mellifica
Dropsy, puffiness of face, eye lids, waxy, transparent skin
- Arsenic Album
Dropsy, lower limps and abdomen - Acetic Acid
Dropsy, cardiac - Digitalis
Dropsy, sudden, hydrocephalus - Helleborus
Dropsy, Hydrothorax, after scarlet fever - Lachesis
Dropsy from liver disease - Lycopodium
Duration of time changed; it passes too quickly - Cocculus, Ther.
Duration of time changed, it passes too slowly - Alum.,Arg N.,
Can ind.
Dysentery - Biochemic combination No.9
Dysentery, mucous - Mere Sol
Dysentery, blood - Mercurius Corrosives
- Ferrum Phos (First stage)
Dysentery, scanty stool, burning, weakness after stool
- Arsenic Album
Dysentery, bloody, slimy discharges like scrapings - Cantharis
Dysentery, first stage - Aconite, Ipecac.
Dysentery after eating / drinking, colic - Cantharis
Dysentery, chronic, colitis - Sulphur
Dysentery, after effect - Dysentery Co
Dysentery, amoebic - Ipecac
Dysentery, acid - Robinia
Dyspepsia, fermentive - Salicylic acid
Dysmenorrhoea, flying pains, congestion, rheumatic cases
- Cimicifuga
Dysmenorrhoea, spasmodic - Caulophyllum
Dysmenorrhoea, sudden pain, heaviness, offensive clotted flow
- Belladonna
Dysmenorrhoea, neuralgic and crampy pains - Magnesia Phos
Dysmenorrhoea, menses dark, delayed, chilliness - Pulsatilla
Dysmenorrhoea, uterine cramps, clotted blood - Cocculus
Dysmenorrhoea - Pulsatilla
Dysmenorrhoea, pre-menstrual headache - Cimicifuga
Dysmenorrhoea, spasmodic pain - Magnesia Phos
Dysmenorrhoea, discharge foetid and itching - Kreosote
Dysmenorrhoea, watery, milky, leucorrhea, toothache - Sepia
Dyspepsia - Nux Vomica 12 one hour before meals & Graphites 12 one hour after meals.
- Arg Nitricum (marked flatulence)
- Robinia (acidity)
- Kali Bich (load, pressure immediately after eating)
- Pulsatilla (due to fatty food)
- Kali Carb (old people)
- Lycopodium (fermentable food)
- Acid Phos (with brain fag)
- Abies Nigra (with heart conditions)
- Carbo Veg (wind in upper part)
Dyspepsia at 3 am. palpitation, cold sweat - Ammonium Carb
Dyspepsia, nervous excitement - Ambra
Dyspepsia, hysterical - Asafoetida
Dyspepsia, slightest food - Phosphorus
Dysuria - Equisetum 6
Ear pain, recent exposure to dry cold - Aconite
Ear, pain, violent, sudden acute inflammation - Belladonna
Ear pain, inflammation of the middle ear, thick, yellow green discharge - Pulsatilla
Ear pain, no discharge - apply tincture of plantago major locality.
Ear, catarrhal condition, feeling of stoppage of ear canal - Kali Mur
Ear pain infants, restlessness, irritability - Chamomilla
Ear pain from catarrh, variable pain - Pulsatilla
Ear pain suppuration of middle ear swelling of glands, offensive breath - Merc Sol
Ear, suppuration, sensitive to touch and draft - Causticum
Ear, sounds, catarrh of the ear tube - Sulphur
Ear, inflammation of earring hole - Stannum
Ear discharge - kali Mur
Ear discharge offensive - Elaps.
Ecchymosis - Arnica, Rhus tox, Acid sulph
Eczema, itching red irritable worse wetting and heat of bed - Sulphur
Eczema, folds of knee and elbow, skin has grey, greasy, unwashed appearance - Psorinum 1M, once a month.
Eczema, red, itchy, worse dampness, hands and wrist, vesicles,
- Rhus tox
Eczema, scalp, behind ears, honey like discharge, itching - Graphites
Eczema, scalp, itching, oozing, crusty vesicles - Mezereum
Effect of excessive joy - Coffea.
Effect of suppressed anger - Staphysagria
Effect of grief sorrow - Ignatia
Effect of jealousy - Lachesis 200
Effort to escape from bed or hide - Agar., Bell., Bryonia, Hyos,
Stram, Vera.
Emaciation in TB - Agaricus
Emaciation extending downwards - Natrum Mur.
Emaciation due to anaemia - plumbum
Emissions - Phosphoric Acid
Emphysema - Laurocerasus
Epilepsy, constitutional medicine (compare symptoms) - Calcarea Carb
Epilepsy, from fright, self abuse, sexual excesses, coitus - Bufo
Epilepsy, general curative remedy - Cuprum metallicum
Epilepsy, sudden loss of consciousness, swollen face, lockjaw, cold extremities - Oenanthe. Epilepsy, associated with indigestion, ants crawling feeling - Nux Vomica
Epilepsy, other remedies - Silicea, Cicuta, Hyos, Belladonna,
Epididymitis - Sabal, Pulsatilla
Erotomania - Origanum, Phosphorus, Platina
Eructations, odourless, tasteless, empty - Agar., Ambra, Anac., Iod.,
Eructations, loud - Arg N.
Eructations, heartburn - Carbo veg
Eruptions on genitals - Petroleum
Erysipelas, in the beginning - Belladonna
Erysipelas with swelling - Apis mellifica
Erysipelas with aching of limbs - Rhus tox
Erysipelas, repeated chronic form - Graphites
Examination fear - Anacardium
- Arg N. (fear of anticipation)
- Silicea (child lacks grit)
Excessive sexual desire - Phosphorus
Exostosis - Hekla Lava, calcarea fluorica
Exposure to cold - Aconite
Examination fear, memory deficient - Anacardium
Examination fear, warm patient, flatulence - Arg Nitricum.
Examination fear, fear of going out - Gelsemium
Eyes, most affections relieved by - Euphrasia
Eyes, intense and violent inflammation - Belladonna
Eyes, redness, swelling and acrid discharge - Rhus tox
Eyes, blepharitis and cunjuctivitis from intense cold or radiated heat
- Merc Cor
Eyes, catarrhal troubles, early stage - Ferrum Phos
Eyes, double vision, ptosis - Gelsemium
Eyes, rheumatism of the eye - Bryonia
Eyes, inflamed and agglutinized lids - Pulsatilla
Eyes, conjunctivitis from a foreign body - Sulphur
Eyes, photophobia, inflammation of lids, intolerance of artificial light
- Euphrasia
Eyes, vesicles on cornea - Graphites
Eyes, after operations - Aconite, Rhus tox, Senega.
Fainting from fear and excitement - Aconite
Fainting, remedy to smell - Camphor tincture,
(patient should be taken to the hospital)
Fainting, easy - Moschus
Fainting on exertion, sweat on forehead - Veratrum Album
Fainting, hysteria - Asafoetida
Fainting due to loss of fluids - China
Face acne - Kali Brom, Sulphur
Face, hair (women) - Thuja
Face, ulcer on lips - Apis mellifica
Face, discolouration (women) - Caulophyllum
Face, Paralysis - Causticum, Cocculus
Fatigue - Arnica
Fatigue and exhaustion from long illness, loss of fluids - China
Fatigue from influenza - Ars. Alb.
Fatigue, collapse, cold extremities, poor circulation - Carbo Veg
Fatigue, general tonic, pains, flooding at menopause - Acid Phos.
Fatigue sleepless from - Arnica, Nux Vomica
Fatigue, due to unsatisfied hunger for long time - Coffea
Fear, being raised - Borax
Fear, crossing streets - Aconite, Platina.
Fears darkness, ghosts - Aconite, Arsenic, Phos, Pulsatilla, Stram
Fears downward motion - Borax, Sanicula
Fears any motion - Bryonia, Caladium, Mag Phos, Gels.
Fears Music - Ambra, Nalc, Sab, Bufo, Thuja.
Fear of People - Aconite, Aurum Met., Bar. c., Sepia, Staph.
Fears solitude - Bismuth, Hyos, Kali C, Lyc., Stram.
Fears thunder storm - Nat C, Phos., Rhododendron
Fears touch - Ant C., Arnica, Chamomilla, China. Hepar Sulph, Kali C., Lachesis, Nux Vomica, Plumbum., Spigelia, Tarantula It.
Fear, closed places - Succinum
Fear that something may happen - Calcarea Carb
Feet burning, keep out of cover - sulphur
Fever - Biochemic Combination No.11
Fever, rainy season - Rhus tox 200, Bryonia 200 alternately
Fever, fear, chilliness, recent exposure, congestion, mental anguish
- Aconite
Fever, dull, stupid, dizzy, drowsy, muscular weakness, desire for rest
- Gelsemium
Fever, dry, hot skin, no sweat, drowsiness - Sulphur
Fever, headache, bursting feeling at temples, thirst for large drinks of water - Bryonia
Fever, aching limbs, thirst, no appetite, soreness of limbs, damp weather - Rhus tox
Fever, to avoid typhoid - Rhus tox
Fever, to avoid typhoid - Baptisia
Fever, bones ache - Eupatorium Perfoliatum
Fever blisters - Natrum Mur
Fever, Thirst during chill - Ignatia
Fever intermittent - China
Fever intermittent, gastric/bilious symptoms - Nux Vom
Fever intermittent, frequently indicated, thirst, anxiety, restlessness
- Arsenic Album
Fever intermittent fever, chill starting at 10 A.M. - Natrum Mur
Fever intermittent with bone pains - Eupatorium perfoliation
Fever intermittent milder cases - Ipecac.
Fever intermittent, chill mid-day, shaking chill, drowsiness, dizziness
- Gelsemium
Fever intermittent, good periodicity - Chinium Sulph.
Female, Leucorrhea watery, yellow / yellow brown, excoriating,
hurry, restless, uterus heavy after labour, urging to urination and stool, sexual excitement, worse in the afternoon
- Lillium tigrinum
Female, haughty, exaggerated self esteem, menses profuse and dotted,
irritation of sexual organs, nymphomania - Platina
Female, gloom, dejection, premature and profuse menstruation,
rheumatism, displacement of uterus, engorged uterus, ovaritis,
facial blemishes - Cimicifuga racemosa.
Female, menses suddenly suppressed from cold, sensation of internal
trembling - Caulophyllum
Female, bearing down, menses profuse and early, cramps in back and
arm, inflammatory amenorrhea, right side worse - Belladonna
Female, copious menstruation, roaring in head, bloating of abdomen,
dark brown offensive leucorrhea, prolapse uteri - Kreosote
Female, consciousness of the womb - Helonias
Female, first menses delayed with congestion to head and chest
- Calcarea Carb
Female, uterine haemorrhage - Secale
Female, menses painful, pressure on rectum, starchy leucorrhea,
bearing down pains in pelvis - Ferrum iodatum
Female, fainting during coitus - Murex, Platina
Female, bleeding after coitus - Kreosote, Acid Nitric
Female, coitus painful - Berberis vulgaris, staphysagria.
Female, conception too easy - Natrum Mur, Mercurius.
Female, desire lost - Sepia, Agnus, Helonias, Ignatia, Sepia
Female, desire increased, must keep busy suppressing it - Lillium tig
Female, ill effects of suppressing desire - Conium
Female, pruritus vulva, children handling organs
- Caladium, Origanum
Female, aphonia before menses - Gelsemium
Female, asthma before & during menses - Iod, Lachesis
Female, milk in breast in place of menses - Merc V.
Female, constipation during menses - Graph, Nat Mur, Plumbum,
Female, face flushed during menses - Bell, Ferrum Phos
Female, Leucorrhea following menses - Kreosote, Nitric Acid
Female, Pruritus following menses - Tarantula H.
Female great weakness after menses - Ars alb., Carbo animals,
China, Cocculus, Trillium, Verat album
Female, in duration of uterus and os - Aurum Met, Aurum Mur.,
Pod., Plat.
Female, irritable uterus - Cimicifuga, Lillium tiglium, Mag Mur.
Female, ulcers - Ars, Aur. m.n., Nitric acid
Female, menses
Late and scanty - Pulsatilla, conium, Dulcamara, Phosphorus, Sulphur
Late and profuse - Causticum, Iodine
Early and scanty - Conium, Natrum Mur, Phosphorus, Silicea
Early and profuse - Ammon Carb, Belladonna, Calcarea Carb, Platinum.
Female, congestion, black of tone, yellow complexion, enlarged
uterus, cervix indurated, bearing down pains, lumbo-sacral
back pain, dryness of vagina, - Sepia
Fibroids - Calcarea iod
Fidgety feet - Zincum Met., Cina, Med., Kali Phos, Sulphur
Fissures - Graphites, Petroleum
Fistula - Nitric Acid, Fluoric Acid
Freckles - Sepia
Flooding, menopause - Lachesis
Flooding, fat women, pain in ovaries - Sabina
Flooding, weakness, restlessness - Arsenic Album
Flooding, black clots, thinning hair, worse heat - Ustilago
Frigidity - Natrum Mur (trauma), Arg N. (phobia), Ignatia (anxiety)
Frequent urination - Cantharis (acute cystitis)
- Berberis vulgaris (Kidney problem)
- Equisetum (bladder feels full always)
- Digitalis (prostate enlargement)
- Sabal Serrulata (Prostatitis)
Flatulence upper abdomen, better from eructations - Carbo Veg
Flatulence, lower abdomen - Lycopodium
Flatulence, fear, worse heat - Arg N.
Flatulence, constriction, constipation, hypochondriasis - Nux Vom
Flatulence, whole abdomen, tenderness, better pressure - China
Flatulence, to avoid - Sulphuric Acid 3 before meals
Flatulence, whole abdomen - China