It is not always possible or convenient to see the doctor specially when you are in a village or are travelling. It is therefore a fact of life that a large number of people are forced to undertake self medication.
Self medication with homoeopathic medicine is usually safe. With some knowledge of the system, it becomes completely safe. You can get cured with no side effects (and with beneficial side effects !)
This book has been written for the intelligent person with the objective of providing the above necessary minimum knowledge. It gives only a short necessary description of the system with medicines required for common diseases arranged alphabetically.
The Biochemic system and Dr Edward Bach's flower remedies form systems akin to homoeopathy and are therefore briefly covered in the book.
It is hoped that sensitive, intelligent and educated persons will gain most from the book.
Homoeopathic remedies are, by and large inexpensive. Their use will therefore not cut into your budget for other items.
Safe healing !
Meenakshi Pujara
New Delhi