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Homoeopathic Revertory


Tachycardia  -  Abies nigra, Agnus
Talkative  -  Lachesis
Tartar Prevention  -  Calc renal
Tartar removal  -  Fragaria
Tears & Stretches  -  Staphysagria
Tendency to grow fat - Calcarea Carb
Tetanus  -  Hypericum
Testes enlarged  -  Aurum Met
Testes, induration  -  Agnus
Testes retraction  -  Ol. an
Testes undeveloped - Aurum Met
Testes undescended  -  Aurum Met.
Threatens death and destruction  - Tarant. h.
Tinnitus  - Salicylic acid, carboneum sulph, Cannabis indica
Tongue biting in sleep  -  Acid Phos
Tongue biting  - Thuja
Tongue blisters  -  Natrum Mur
Tongue burning - Sanicula
Tongue, cramp  -  Ruta
Tongue, coated white  -  Natrum Mur
Tongue coated thick white  -  Antimony Crudum
Tongue coated with constipation  -  Kali Mur
Tongue inflammation - Cantharis
Tongue, nodules  -  Aurum Met.
Tongue, swelling - Apis
Tongue, parched  - Oleander 
Tongue, ring worm - Sanicula 
Tongue, hard nodules - Niccolum
Tongue, hard nodules  - Kali cyanatum
Tongue, cyst  -  Thuja, Merc sol
Tongue, papillae - Arum t
Tongue, paralysis - Causticum, Plumbum
Tongue, swelling with offensive breath  - Merc Sol
Tongue coated with clean tip - Rhus tox
Toothache  -  Biochemic Combination No.23
Toothache, pulsating, inflamed dentine, soreness affecting whole jaw,
	worse from change of temperature, ulcerative roots of teeth 
	- Merc Sol.
Toothache, intolerable radiating to ears, worse warm food/drink 
	- Chamomilla
Toothache, frantic pains, better by holding cold water in mouth  
	- Coffea
Toothache, the great general remedy - Plantago. Also apply plantago
Toothache, abscess about the root of teeth - Silicea  
Teeth, deficient enamel - Calcarea fluorica
Teeth, slow development and fast decay  -  Calcarea Phos
Teeth, tendency to decay gums unhealthy and retracted, teeth blacken
	and crumble - staphysagria.
Toothache in carious teeth, nerves of jaws, face and teeth affected 
	- Spigelia
Teeth, sore and bleeding after extraction, pain and swelling from false
	teeth, from filing or filling - Arnica
Teeth, problems in children  -  Biochemic Combination No.21
Tetanus, prevention  - Ledum, Hypericum
Tetanus, convulsions, distortion of eyes and face, dyspnoea 
	- Nux Vomica, Strychnia
Tetanus, other remedies  -  Hydrocyanic acid, Cicuta Virosa,
Thoughts slow  -  Carbo V., Nux m., Phos ac., Phos.
Time passes too fast  -  Cocculus indica, Theridion
Time passes too slow  -  Cann. ind
Time sense affected  -  Lachesis
Tonsillitis	-  Biochemic combination No.10
Tonsillitis	-  Baryta Carb
Tonsillitis, chronic enlargement in children - Calcarea Phos
Tonsillitis - in the beginning Aconite or Ferrum Phos
	     -  belladonna next stage.
Tonsillitis, follicular type	 -  Phytolacca
Tonsillitis with aching limbs, headache  -  Guaiacum
Tonsillitis, splinter like pains  -  Hepar Sulph
Tonsillitis, swelling - Apis mellifica
Tonsillitis, follicular  -  Kali. Mur.
Tonic, general  - Biochemic Combination No.28
Tuberculosis  -	Phosphorus, Calcarea Carb, Nitric acid, Silicea, Stannum, Arsenic Album, Sulphur, Sanguinaria, Bryonia, Kali Carb, Dulcamara, Drosera, Lycopodium, according to symptoms.
Tumours, stone hard parts, mammary tumour, tumours of cervix  
	- Carbo animalis
Tumours, pregrowth manifestations  - Radium
Tumours, uterine and epithelioma  - Hydrastis
Tumours, lupus - Arsenic Album
Tumours, heaviness, stitches, mammary tumours  -  Conium
Typhoid fever  -  Baptisia
Typhoid fever, early stage  -  Rhus tox, Gelsemium
Typhoid, soreness, tired feeling, motion aggravates, dreams and talks
	of business - Bryonia
Typhoid, bruised feeling, involuntary discharges, ecchymoses  - Arnica
Typhoid, later stage, prostration, anxiety, worse after midnight 
	- Arsenic Album
Typhoid, extreme collapse, cold perspiration  -  Carbo Veg
Typhoid, stupor - Lachesis 
Typhoid, ulceration of mucous membranes, putrid discharge, great
	weakness, bed sores, oedema of ankles - Muriatic acid. 
Typhoid, mental depression, delirium, offensive discharges  
	- Kali Phos
Typhoid, apathy, sensorial depression, bloated abdomen, weakness  
	- Acid Phos.
Typhoid, delirium, cerebral paralysis, later stages - Hyoscyamus.
Uric acid diathesis  - Hedeoma, Ocim.
Urine burning, tract infection - Cantharis
Urine scanty, drowsiness, oedema, casts in urine - Apis melifica
Urine, disorders, dropsy  -  Apocynum C.
Urine disorders, renal colic  -  Berberis Vulgaris, Pareira brave
Urine, constant desire to pass, mucus in urine, old men, worse after
	urination  - Equisetum
Urinary disorder, dragging and pressure in the bladder, urine scanty 
	- Digitalis purpura
Urine, smoky, turbid, coffee ground sediment, blood cells - Terebinth
Urine, incontinence, tenesmus of bladder and rectum at the same time,
	urine in drops, cystitis - Nux Vomica
Urine, paralytic conditions, enuresis  -  Causticum
Urine, lithaemic conditions  - Sepia
Urine, violent tenesmus of bladder - Merc C.
Ulcers between toes  -  Sanicula
Ulcers, violent scratching  -  Sulphur
Ulcers in folds of skin  -  Carbo veg.
Ulcers, gangrenous  -  Tarantula
Ulcers, varicose  -  Hamamelis
Ulcer, corneal  - Arg N.
Ulcer, eye, photophobia, lachrymation  -  Conium
Ulcers excoriating  -  Ammonium Carb
Unsocial  -  Anacardium
Uraemia - Cuprum arsenitum
Urethral bleeding  -  Phosphorus
Urethral itching  -  Ambra
Urethritis  - Thuja
Urine, pains in renal region extending to ureters, bladder, pelvis & hips - Berberis vulgaris
Urine burning  -  Cantharis
Urine, red sand in  -  Lycopodium
Urine, deposits of urates and uric acid  -  Sepia
Urine contains albumin  -  Apis mellifica
Urine black (inflammation of kidneys)  - Colchicum
Urine contains oxalates  -  Oxalic acid
Urine red  -  Bovista
Urine, specific gravity high  -  Arnica
Urine more than the quantity of fluid taken  - Acid Phos
Urine profuse in indigestion  -  Uranium nit
Urine, headache if not passed  -  Agaricus
Urine offensive  -  Benzoic acid
Urine retention in infants  -  Aconite
Uterine fibroid  - Aurum Muriaticum (prolonged use), Calc iod.
Uterine fibroid, bearing down pains, indifference  - Sepia
Uterine displacement  -  Sepia, Pulsatilla
Uterine induration - Aur mur., Kalmia
Uterine tumours - Aur. m. nat.
Uterine prolapse - Podo, Aloe
Urticaria  -  Urtica Urens.
Uterine tonic  - for smooth delivery  - Caulophyllum
			(to be given in last three months)
Varicose veins  -  Acid Fluoric, Calc Flourica
Varicose veins, poor circulation - Carbo Veg
Varicose veins after child birth  - Pulsatilla
Valvular deficiency, fluttering and trembling of heart - Lithium Carb.
Vaginismus  -  Belladonna, Cactus, Plumbum
Varicose Ulcer  - Hamamelis
Venous stasis  -  Aesc. hip.
Vertigo, of the aged  -  Conium
Vertigo, anaemic  -  Ferrum Metallicum
Vertigo connected with digestive troubles - Cocculus
Vertigo, old people on rising from sitting, heavy extremities 
	- Rhus tox.
Vitality, lack of, early ageing  - Biochemic combination No.27
Vomiting  -  Ipecac
Vomiting, white coated tongue  -  Antimony crudum
Vomiting, not digesting milk  - Aethusa

Vomiting, chronic, thirst for cold water which is vomited as soon as
	it gets warm in stomach, vomiting of blood in gastric ulcer  
	- Phosphorus
Vomiting, cerebral causes - Belladonna, Glonoine
Vomiting sour, acidity  - Iris Versicolor
Warts  -  Ant. C., Causticum, Thuja, Nit acid, Salic acid.
Waterbrash  -  Abies n., Ant. Crud., Bryonia, Carbo veg, Lyco.,
		  Puls., Sepia.
Wens  -  Thuja, Benzoic acid, Bacillinum
Whitlow, inflammation and fever  - Belladonna
Whitlow, severe infection  -  Hepar Sulph
Whitlow, bluish finger  -  Lachesis
Weakness, delicate old people, gas  -  Carbo veg
Weakness, growing children, loss of fluids  -  Phosphoric Acid
Weakness, urine can pass only with faeces  - Muriatic acid
Weakness, loss of fluids, gas - China
Weakness, loss of sleep, Menses, Nursing  - Cocculus
Weakness, defective nutrition, easy exhaustion  -  Picric acid
Wisdom tooth, ailments from cutting  -  Magnesia Carb.
Whooping cough  -  Drosera
Whooping cough with convulsions - Cuprum Met.
Whooping cough, severe cases  -  Corrallium rubrum
Whooping cough, ropy, stringy mucous  - Coccus cacti.
Whooping cough, sudden paroxysms  - Belladonna.
Whooping cough, gagging, nausea, losing breath - Ipecac
Whooping cough, rattling of mucous in the chest  - Antim t
Whooping cough with grinding of teeth during sleep  - Cina
Whooping cough, Biochemic remedy - Magnesia Phos
Whooping cough, hoarse, frontal sinus involved  - Kali Bich
Whooping cough, nosode  - Pertussis
Worms  -  Cina
Worms, anal itching  - Teucrium
Worms, strabismus, blue rings around eyes, colic  - Spigelia
Worm, colic - Sulphur
Worms other remedies  -  Stannum, Indigo, Caladium, Teucrium.
Wound, pus formation  - Hepar Sulph
Wound, chronic infection & pus, not responding  - Silicea
Wound, cut, itching, drawing tearing pain, angry patient  
	- Staphysagria
Wound, for external application  - Calendula tincture
Wound for external application - Hypericum tincture 
Wound, early stage of infection, redness, swelling fever  -  Aconite
	-  next stage Belladonna
Writer's cramp  -  Arg m., Sulphuric acid
