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Creating Your Sorcerer/Sorceress


For the record, a magician cannot soak aggravated damage. A hedge wizard that wants to go head-to-head with a vampire had better wear armor or have good medical coverage...and funeral arrangements.
(Sorcerer pg53)

Appearance: What does your sorcerer look like? How old is he, and what fashion does he follow?
Culture: Where does he come from? How was he raised? Does he revere the traditional upbringing or is he rebelling against it? And who does he hang around with now?
Allies: Who are they? Why are they his friends? Do they owe him, respect him or love him? And does he feel about them?
Specialties: What makes your sorcerer's practices distinct from other fields of inquiry? How are his abilities unique, or at least more personal, from other magicians' talents?
Society: Does your magician belong to a mystical order, or has he chosen a solitary road? Did he leave an organization, and if so, why? (And are they after him for doing so?) Has he switched allegiances, and what do others think of him if he has?
Equipment: What does your character have close at hand? And where does he get it from?
Magic: How did he encounter magic? Why does he study it? Where does he think it comes from, and what does he believe about its laws?
Mundane identity: Your character can't always be studying magic. How does he earn money? Where does he live? Who does he associate with, and do they know about his "hobbies"?
Motivations: What drives your character to study magic? What attracted him to sorcery in the first place? What has that pursuit cost him, and why does he continue?
Values: What does he hold sacred? What will he do--or do not do--to make something happen? Where does he draw the line, and what happens if something crosses it?
(Sorcerer pg52)

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