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Chihuahua Rescue & Transport

Wilmington Kennel Club (Delaware)

Continental Kennel Club

AKC Breed Standard

Rainbow Bridge Home Beutifull Site

Lady Cam THANKFULLY Supplied a lot of graphics for this web page. Visit her Site to see her Chihuahua's as well!

Directory of Dog Websites
& Tons of FREE Dog Stuff!

Stud Dogs Loved Pets Angel's Memmory
Nursery Home Ferrets
Breeding Hard Facts Health
Email Angels Chihuahua's Sugar Gliders First Aid
Our Girls

Toco Dog graphics has supplied several items for this Web Site. Specials

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ThisRingSurf Paw Prints On The Heart Net Ring
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All They Ask Is To Be Loved
They Should Never Suffer Abuse.
"BIG" Kisses To You From Them.
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This RingSurf Bones and Raw Food - for cats and dogs Net Ring
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*This page created September 28, 2001
By: Emma C. V.