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Desirée's Stamp Collection


Åland Stamps Want List



Transition to the Euro, 2002


M = mint, C = cancelled, the number behind the title is the denomination on the stamp

In the years 2000 and 2001 the denomination is in Finmarks and Euro's. From 2002 on, it is in Euro's only.

2000 M C   2002 M  C  
The new Millennium (miniature sheet) 4x3,40/0,57 x        
Sea Birds: Arctic tern 1,80/0,30 x        
Sea Birds: Common gull 2,20/0,37 x        
Sea Birds: Great black-backed gull 2,60/0,44 x        
Elks (booklet) 8x2,60/0,44 x        
EUROPA 2000 3,00/0,50 x        
Gymnastics Festival 2000 2,60/0,44 x        
Sailing ship 3,40/0,57 x        
"Hlodver Lange" 4,50/0,76 x        
Architecture: Hilda Hongell 3,80/0,64 x        
Architecture: Hilda Hongell 10,00/1,68 x        
Christianity 2000 years 3,00/0,34 x        
Church of Kökar 3,00/0,50 x        
WWF Steller´s Eider 8x2,70/0,45 x        
Spore-plants: Swamp Horsetail 1,90/0,32 x        
Spore-plants: Stiff Clubmoss 2,80/0,47 x        
Spore-plants: Polypody 3,50/0,59 x        
Valentine's Day 3,20/0,54 x        
EUROPA - "Water - a natural resource" 3,20/0,54 x        
Windmills: Archipelago Windmill 3,00/0,50 x        
Windmills: Timbered Windmill 7,00/1,18 x        
Windmills: Nest Windmill 20,00/3,36 x        
Pets: Golden Retriever 2 klass x        
Pets: Wire-haired Dachshund 1 klasss x        
Church of Föglö x        
Transition to the Euro 0,60          
Batrachians & reptiles (2) 0,05 & 0,70          
St Canute's Day 2,00          


1995-1999 19999999