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Desirée's Stamp Collection

Welcome to my website!



Watercolour selfportrait by Desirée


My stamp collections and want lists:



Dragons on stamps                    Åland Stamps


Stamps of the Netherlands


Hello everyone! It's been almost 2 years since I've updated this website, so you can imagine much has happened since then!


For example, I stopped collecting mint stamps from the Netherlands. I've really had it with the Dutch postal service! I think they issue way too many stamps for a tiny country like ours. The year set gets more expensive every year (too much for my budget!). I also believe that money-making comes first for them, and that they don't care for their customers. For example, the collector's magazine, which frankly is just an advertising-booklet to promote and sell stamps and other products, used to be a free magazine. A few weeks ago I got a phone call from the postal service. First they asked me if I wanted a subscription for the year set. I told them no. Then they asked me how I liked the magazine. "Okay" was my answer. Well in that case, would I like to keep the subscription to the magazine, since from now on it would cost € 10,-- a year! Again I told them no, they can keep it. First of all I think it's rude to call people at home and try to sell them stuff. Second, the magazine is mainly for selling their stamps, I'm not paying for any other post-order catalogue either! Plus, considering I get the Stamp Bulletin's from Åland, Ireland and Australia for free, I think the Dutch postal service should be embarrassed for charging money for theirs.


Okay, so enough about the Dutch postal service! I still collect dragons on stamps and the stamps from Åland. Last Christmas I bought myself an nice album for the Åland stamps, as my collection is growing and I hope to complete it one day!


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since Febuary 18, 2002


Desirée ©2002-2004

Last updated: May 28, 2004