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Desirée's Stamp Collection


Stamps of the Netherlands


Here you can find a little bit of information about the history of Dutch stamps and the Dutch royalty.



In honor of the 150th anniversary of the Dutch postage stamp, there was a special event held in our capital city Amsterdam: Amphilex 2002.



The very first Dutch stamps were issued in 1852, with the image of king Willem III and in three different denominations; 5ct, 10ct and 15 ct.


King Willem III, 5 ct


King Willem III

Willem III, son of King Willem II and the Russian princess Anna Paulowna, was born in 1817 in Brussels, Belgium. In 1839 he married his cousin Sophia van Württemberg. Together they got 3 sons. The marriage was not a happy one. In 1851 Sophia's family prepared to file a divorse. This never got through, but since then the Queen lived seperated from Willem. Only at ceremony's she showed herself in public. The Queen died on June 3, 1877. 

In 1849 Willem III became king after his father died.

In 1879 the King married Emma van Waldeck-Pyrmont. On August 31, 1880, Wilhelmina was born. In 1884 Willem's last son died. Wilhelmina was now heir to the throne. King Willem III died on November 23, 1890.


Queen Wilhelmina

Queen Emma was named regent for the young Wilhelmina, who was only 10 years old when her father died.  Then in 1898 she became Queen of the Netherlands. In 1901 Queen Wilhelmina married duke Hendrik van Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Their daughter Juliana was born on April 30, 1909. Queen Wilhelmina reigned for 50 years, she died in 1962.


Queen Wilhelmina, 1989


Queen Juliana

Princess Juliana married prince Bernard van Lippe-Biesterfeld in 1937. Together they got four daughters: Beatrix (1938), Irene (1939), Margriet (1943) and Christina, who was originally named Marijke (1947). She was crowned Queen of the Netherlands in 1948. In 1980 she passed the crown on to princess Beatrix.


Queen Juliana, 1948


Queen Beatrix

Queen Beatrix is the current Queen of the Netherlands. In 1966 she married Claus von Amsberg. Three sons were born: Willem-Alexander (1967), Johan Friso (1968) and Constantijn (1969). The Dutch people are speculating when Queen Beatrix will give up the throne. My guess is in 2005, after reigning for 25 years, like her mother did.


Queen Beatrix, 1980


Prince Willem-Alexander

Prince Willem-Alexander married his fiancée Máxima Zorreguieta on 02-02-02. He will be the first King in a line of 3 Queens. The marriage was a great boost for the popularity of the royal family. A mini-sheet was issued to celebrate the marriage.


Willem-Alexander and Máxima, 2002


Desirée ©2002-2004