A Little About Our Relationship

Lauren and I met in 1995 at a summer camp in Napa, CA. In a couple of days, we were in love for sure. At that time, Lauren lived in Alamo, CA, which is in the Eastern San Francisco Bay Area. I still lived in San Jose, which is in the South Bay Area. We saw each other about once each month then. Then in 1997, Lauren's family moved to Naples, FL. Despite the move though, we managed to keep our relationship alive. Today, we are happily engaged to be married. However, we only saw each other from that point about once each year. The wait was worth it though. For a while, we were attending separate colleges on opposite sides of the country. We got together as often as we could, usually during vacations and holidays. About a year ago, moved to Florida and transfered to FSU to be with Lauren. We now have an apartment together.

The Two Of Us


"Because You Loved Me" by Celine Dion

Some Important Dates In Our Relationship
Date Event
July 25, 1995 The Day We Met
August 14, 1997 The Day Lauren Moved To Florida
June 25, 1999 We Were Engaged
August 11, 2002 We Moved In Together

© 2001, James Moore, jamoore2282@hotmail.com

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