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This page is about my dragons, and about my views on dragons in general.
Actually, I think dragons did exist. Okay, I know many people would go berzerk at me for this commment, but there is something most people believe in, and this is still better than UFOs (I think, lol). Yet, there is one "proof" for the existence of dragons: if they never existed, how can it be that various cultures throughout the world have dragons in their tales? Without worldwide communications, it is a bit tough to consider as coincidence...

In my point of view, dragons aren't pure bad or good creatures. They are not immortal beings, and if I consider the rules of real life (eu, biology) they can't breathe fire. However, they are big, they fly, and they are intelligent!
A dragon picture to enjoy! :)

And a half-dragon picture. I know this looks at least interesting here, but I think I had to place at least one such on my site :) Couldn't resist, since I really liked a book where these creatures were the main characters (um, I think it was the Last Stronghold from the Dragonlance serie).
My dragons! :)

Here is my favuorite: my amulet! I always bear this thing. :) Couldn't live without it now I think...

This is another dragon amulet, which I got from my brother. :)) It is a Celtic Dragon... it resembles either Power, either Life (or both? I'm not good at Celtic myths)

And finally, my adopted dragoness! :)) Her name is Conqueror :) you can pet her, she is not wild ;)