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Here are my friends listed, with a small description. If you are missing (ouch) or feel what I said is bad (ouch again) then feel free to mail me!

Caelamia: One the very first person I met online. She is a very nice girl, I really enjoy talking to her (not mentioning she also likes dragons! which makes me envy of her, is that she has TONS of dragons. Oh my....). She got her own house lately, a flat which she began to renovate so she might move in. :) Her homepage is

Blaze: A very simpatic girl who I met while playing the online game called "Utopia". I talk to her almost daily, which I really enjoy :))) She was in Krakkow some time ago, and bought some nice dragons as well. I'm green envy, must say?

Ade/Arokh's Twin: I contacted AT first when I was a new writer and wanted to place my story in his site. He is a very nice person to chat with, and helped me a lot with hardware stuff :)) This is his site: Arokh's Lair Check it out, it worths it!

Alvaro: A very kind friend of mine. :) We find each other more or less regularry - and he is one of the few persons I have voice chatted with! :D

\|/Scarophion\|/: A nice girl who I chatted a lot with and who likes Worms - and is hoping to get into Manchester University this year. :) I'm rooting for her!

Emachi: A gnome friend, which can be useful for a dragon. :)) I found her when she began to play the game Drakan (actually, Scarophion introduced her to me). She is fun to chat with, as we are never serious ;) Hopefully she'll get into the uni she chose this year. :)

Dtuath: I met Dtuath when I joined the Giblet Club - we joined together, actually. :) I'm quite fond of him, and chatted lots with him... Pity he lives in the US, timezones rarely let me meet him now ;(. He hosts our Giblet server - a million thanks!

Lady Slag: Head of the Giblet Club, great friend of mine. :) Always has a few nice words in spare. Any more comment needed?

Lightblade: A canadian friend who literally found me :)) LOL! We make nice conversations, especially when it comes to surreal topics! (hi, feather ;) )

Dragon Dame: Lightblade introduced her to me. She is maybe the youngest online friend I have, despite this she does have some witty comments and is a pro artist in drawing/painting!

Hellstream: He contacted a month ago, ever since I was chatting with him a lot. :)) Nice friend!

HlG: I met him when he joined the Giblets. We always have something to laugh at ;))

Draco: We were writing a story together! :))) Pity Draco is a lot busy, so I can hardly meet him ;(( but I do meet him sometimes :))

AXE: A nice friend who'll lend you a hand in need. :)) He has a nice server with all goodies even! A very pro player, run when you see him!

Wren: I only met her in Drakan multiplayer matches. :) She is funny (in the positive meaning) and have some nice comment most of the times. :)

John: A friend from the neighboorhood! (Austia) A bit busy lately, but a nice friend and good chatter. :)) Lightblade invited him into a chat with me, that's how I met him. He has a nice clan, beware! ;)

Neo: Met him in Utopia, a nice friend who is learning at university. :) Good luck man... it is hard!

Sonu: Arokh's Twin introduced him to me, I always await chatting with him :))) Even though we could not really get our mobile phones communicating. :( Maybe next time!

TOOL: A nice person I met in Utopia. He has a quick and sane mind what I really like in him - not talking about his logic :)

Drakon Rider: A nice friend from Russia! :D He is one of the best Drakan techs I ever met - if not the best himself! My hat's off...

Mage150: A pro drakan level creator, as good and talented as me. No more comment! This is far enough ;)

Phalanx: He is one my best friends in real life even, not talking about internet. Living 10 minutes far from me... :) I list him here because he is a rockhard online player as well. Beware if you play CounterStrike or UnrealTournament... :)

Durin: An ex-king of me from Utopia. He is a nice person, and I found his tips really useful all the time.

Freeky Fish: A new friend who Emachi introduced to me. She is a pro in literature :))) what I really enjoy!

AT: A bookwriter friend of me. I really admire and enjoy his self-confidence..... :)) KEEP IT UP!

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