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hotwheelsDiecast Dog is the web site to get all your hard to find diecast cars and other great collectible toys. We Carry Hot Wheels, Treasure Hunts, Marvel Comics Diecast, Johnny Lighting, and other hard to find Diecast cars. We also carry Star Wars and GI Joe 3/4 figures.

namecarHot Wheels Treasure Hunts Limited Editions

First EditionsHot Wheels First Editions. Complete your set!

VintageVintage Hotwheels The hard to find ones

MatchboxExclusive Cars. Very Limited Editions

imageMatchbox Across America Series, Special 6 packs, and others

imageJohnny Lightning Surf Rods and Collectibles

imageStar Wars 3/4 Figures Darth Maul, Skywalker and more!

imageG.I. Joe 3/4 Figures Vintage and new

imageThe Ultimate Diecast Collection by Maisto. All you favorite Super Heros.

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