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Just a little Survey...

Select the State in which you reside:    

Tell me about your smoking habits

  1 to 3 times a week
  4 to 7 times a week
  1 to 3 times a day
  I don't smoke!!!

What grade of marijuana do you usually obtain?

  I get the cheapest stuff I can find
  I come across some decent stuff
  I get sensimilla
  I only get the stuff that has a name
  I get whatever I can
  I still don't smoke!!!

How do you usually smoke? (Check all that apply)

  I prefer the use of a pipe
  I like to roll mine up
  I enjoy the occasional water pipe
  I spent the money on a vaporizer

  I am a MacGyver smoker (You know who you are...)
  I am not smoking!!!

Tell me about your stance on legalization...



Famous People and Pot - a short list of famous and historical figures that were involved with marijuana in one way or another

More Famous People - see previous description for details

Pot Facts - Seperating the truth from media propaganda

Face the Lies - A small list citing myths and listing the truth

A Report from the LA Times