This is going to be my site, and since I'm a bit busy, it'll be under construction from now and forever. So, if you see any mispellings, or the links I give don't work, please do note me, so I can fix them. Thanks a lot.
Hmm, this site will be as æclectic as I am, so now you are warned... You may find things that you'd never expected here =) Surprise is part of what I want this site to be... Enjoy your trip in this place of mine, and share your thoughts with me... if you're interested, that's it. ;)
Ok! first image on art section: run to see it :þ and more poetry is up too!
Uhmm, I think I'll try to keep you informed about the new things on this site... So today I uploaded some more pics from friends of mine, and added some more poetry to that place too. So if you are interested in those things, you can check them now ;) Anyway, I gotta go, have things to do apart from this =) ( I am not *that* geek after all, I do have a *real* life too =þ )
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