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Online Catalog


Welcome to the Armaments Limited Online Catalog. Within these pages you are sure to find the weapons you need to satisfy your munitions needs, be they personal protection in a lowtech shadow, to outfitting an army with the very latest in hightech destructive devices.

Here at Armaments Limited, we realize that the levels of technology vary wildly from shadow to shadow. So we have broken up our products into 5 distinct tech levels. No mater what your theater of conflict, rely on Arms, Ltd to provide you with the tools of mayhem that you need!

1: 1: Stone Age. Muscle powered weapons, such as blades and bows.
2: Medieval. Still blades and bows, but of a higher quality. Also includes primitive artillery such as ballista.
3: Industrial. Good-quality firearms and field artillery. High explosives.
4: Nuclear. Early energy weapons, as well as fission and fusion explosives.
5: Ultratech. Advanced energy weapons. Antimatter weaponry, personal energy shields.