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Hightech Weaponry


Slugthrowers. Energy weapons. Long-range artillery. High explosives. When natural law allows, then hightech weapons are the weapons of choice. And Arms, Ltd has the finest and most extensive selection you are likely to find anywhere!

Most of the following weapons may be had in virtually any caliber, although the standard boresize is as listed. Ammunition of many types is also avalable.

Keep in mind, the selection shown here is but an example of the vast array of combative hardware Armaments, Limited can provide!


M2 Bolt-Action Rifle

For when hightech isent all that high, the bolt-action rifle is an ideal choice. Avalible in a wide array of configurations, including a carbine and a sniper version.

cal-.30 / action - manual / mag-10 / TL-3

Single-Action Army Revolver

An old stanby, the single action revolver is as sturdy and reliable a sidearm as you are likely to need. Our version features cocobolo grips, and a satin-steel finish
cal-.45 / action-manual / mag-6 / tl-3


Mk 34 Assault Rifle

Firepower. Durability. Ease of care. These reasons and more make the MK 34 an exellent choice for equipping the line trooper in your outfit. Each weapon comes standard with a parts assortment including a fixed buttstock, carbine barrel, bayonet, and a cleaning kit.

cal-5.56mm / action-autofire / mag-30 / tl-3


Browning MaxPower

When you pack a sidearm, you want one that is accurate enough to hit your target under stress, powerful enough to put that target down, and robust enough to function under the most adverse conditions. The Browning Maxpower is the answer.

cal-.40 / action-semiauto / mag-12 / tl-3


Bowman Fletchette Pistol

The Bowman is the very latest in fletchette firearms. Caseless design, long range, 3-round burst capacity, and the ability to fire either tungsten armor-piercing rounds or the devestating high explosive Frag-Fletchettes make the Bowman Fletchette Pistol the ideal sidearm for when maximum lethality in a compact package is your primary concern.

cal-4mm / action-select / mag-20 / tl-4


ST 40 Assault Shotgun

Both the trooper on jungle patrol and the gaurd walking a beat know that very few weapons have the pure 1-shot knockdown potential of a shotgun. Our model boasts a 30 round drum, and an extended ejection port for loading special-purpose ammunition.

cal-12ga / action-autofire / mag-30 / tl-3


Medusa Revolver

Compact. Powerful. As rugged as they come. As a concealed backup weapon, or a piece for home defense, the Medusa exells. And its wide range of powerful calibers, plus its unique ability to fire similar cartriges without a cylender change, make this weapon a valuable and versetile piece of kit.

cal-.357mag / action-double / mag-6 / tl-3


M41A1 Individual Assault System

The IAS is the answer to every infantryman's dream. Combining a high-capacity assault rifle with a multi-shot grenade launcher in one sleek, light package, the IAS is exactly what commanders and commandos have been looking for.

Rifle / cal-5mm / action-autofire / mag-150 / tl-3

GL / cal-25mm / action-pump / mag-5 / tl-3


MP 50 Submachinegun

High rate of fire, a short learning curve, and ease of mantainance make the MP 50 SMG an ideal choice for both green troops and highly trained professinals. Our model features a hi-cap drum mag, and a collapsable stock. A silenced version is also avalable.

cal-10mm / action-autofire / mag-75 / tl-3


Razorback Fletchette Pistol

Silent and deadly, the Razorback is a new and unique weapon exclusive to Arms ltd. Instead of a normal projectile, the Razorback fires a spray of leathal shards, spalled from a solid block of hyperdense polymer. This polymer also comes avalable doped with a wide variaty of toxins, from sleep drugs to nerve toxins. The Razorback's small size and lethal sting make it an ideal hideout weapon.

cal-na / action-semiauto / mag-20 / tl-4


XL 10 Plasma Pistol

The next step in battlefield technology, the XL 10 uses an internal laser to instantly flash a small volume of mercury into a superhot plasma, then powerful electomagnets built into the barrel hurl the bolt of energy downrange. While the bolt has very little penetration, it's massive amount of destructive energy is sure to devistate almost any target it hits. Integral laser/optic sighting is standard.

cal-na / action-semiauto / mag-20 / tl-5


XL 12 Plasma Rifle

Big brother to the XL 10, the XL 12 boasts a greater magazine capacity, increased energy yields, and a longer range. Its compleatly recoiless action makes it perfect for 0-g applications, its collapsable stock keeps it handy and portable, and it is only avalable from Armaments Limited. As an added bonus, the XL 12 is designed to also use XL 10 magazines!

cal-na / action-semiauto / mag-50 / tl-5

P 95 Personal Defense Weapon

Not all elements of a combat unit are front-line troops. Motorpool, quartermaster corps, medics and other rear-echalon troops dont require large, bulky battle rifles, but still need someting more then just sidearms. Enter the P 95 PDW. Its light weight, small, handy design, and high magazine capacity insures that these troops will have a weapon that stays out of their way while doing their jobs, but is instantly avalable if the battle comes through the lines.
cal-5.5mm / action-autofire / mag-60 / tl-3

G 22 Laser Rifle

Superiour firepower in a sleek, streamlined package, the G 22 is specially designed for 0-g and vaccum-enviroment assaults. It's pulse-laser action is utterly recoiless and silent, and with the addition of an avalable, cable-linked powerpack, you and you troops will have ample firepower for any orbital assault.
cal-na / action-autofire / mag-50-500 / tl-4

ML 40 Compact Missile Launcher

Replace the outmoded man-portable missile launchers of yesterday with the hard-hitting weapons of tommorow! The ML 40's fire-and-forget smartmissile is only 11" long, but it packs enough punch to breach 2" of armor plate. And the weapon's high magazine capacity assures that your tank-killer teams will be at their work for a good long time. Incendeary missiles are also avalable.
cal-25mm / action-semiauto / mag-6 / tl-4

M 72 Heavy Sniper Rifle

The M 72 gives new meaning to the term, 'reach out and touch someone'. 1-mile headshots and m.o.a. accuracy are the hallmarks of this awesome sniper system. Coupled with it's .50cal round (origanally designed for heavy machine guns), and it's advanced sighting system, the M 72 is the choice for long-range sniping and light antivehicular work.
cal-.50 / action-bolt / mag-7 / tl-3

MG 45 Squad Auntomatic Weapon

The MG 45 SAW is a light machine gun for a new breed of warrior. It's 100-rnd drum and its ability to also use rifle magazines garantees that your squad's support weapon wont run out of ammo in the thick of the fight. The MG 45's removable buttstock and quick-change barrel makes it ideal for the tight spaces of urban combat, as well.
cal-5.5mm / action-autofire / mag-100 / tl-3

MG 55 General Purpose Machinegun

The GPMG has long been the foundation of infantry support firepower. This tried-and-true combination of power and volume of fire is brought to a new level by the MG 55. This incredibly versitile weapon lends itself well to applications ranging from vehicular mounts and static emplacements, to air defense and individual deployment.
cal-7.62mm / action-autofire / mag- beltfed / tl-3

Deuce 2 Heavy Machinegun

The original M2 HMG (affectinatly dubbed the 'ma deuce') was developed as an antitank weapon. The Deuce 2 takes that old and honorable design, and upgrades it for the battlefields of tomorrow. Weather you need heavy firepower for scout vehicles, or a hard-hitting weapon for static defense, the Duece 2 is the choice to make.
cal-.50 / action-autofire / mag-beltfed / tl-3

Avenger 3 Man-Portable Minigun

The Avenger 3 MPM is the ultimate in squad-level firepower. Its unbeliveable rate of fire has earned it the nickname 'the pocket airstrike' by thoes who have seen it in action. Its 2000rnd backpack-mounted magazine (not pictured) give it enough staying power for hot firefights or long patrols. The avenger 3 is also admirably suited to vehicular mounts.
cal-5.5mm / action-autofire / mag- hopperfed / tl-3

AC 82 Assault Cannon

Calling the AC 82 overkill is an understatement. It fires a 20mm depleted-uranium round origianaly developed for aircraft cannon, but it's advanced recoil-management system tames the kick down to tolerable levels. For putting the infantryman on a equal footing with mobile armor, few weapons can equal the AC 82. HEAP rounds also avalable.
cal-20mm / action-semiauto / mag-10 / tl-3

MK 15 Automatic Greande Launcher

The job of heavy fire-support at the company level has traditionaly been delegated to the mortar and other light artillery. Introducing the MK 15 AGL, destined to make all other forms of light artillery obsolete! It fires a plethora of various 40mm grenades, ranging from fletchette rounds for close-in attack, to HE and HEAT for antiarmor and indirect fire roles. Also well-suited to vehicular mounting, the MK 15 deserves a place in your arsenal!
cal-40mm / action-autofire / mag-beltfed / tl-3

HZ 2000 Howitzer

The HZ 2000 howizer is a lethal weapon for long-range artillery bombardment. Its advanced feed system loads 3 155mm shells from a removable cassette, and fires them all in 6 seconds, a rate of fire unheard of until now. Capeable of firing a range of shells from solid slugs to tactical nukes, the HZ 2000 is an artilleryman's dream come true.
cal-155mm / action-autofire / mag-3 / tl-4