The Basics
Terrible Master
Urd makes her first appearence in the second OVA episode in a similar fashion as her manga debut: from the what Keiichi believes to be a pornographic video tape sent to him as a "present" of sorts from his sempai(upper classmen). But instead of being discovered by Belldandy shortly after her entrance(as it is done in the manga), Urd spends the majority of the episode attempting to heat up Keiichi and Belldandy's relationship while they are at a trip to the beach. All attempts fail horribly, as is expected. Her meddling with the "Ultimate Force" system (a side effect of her sneaking down to earth) then leads to her exile from the heavens as she happily tells Keiichi and Belldandy they she'll be staying at their house for awhile. In Burning Hearts on the Road, the few additions Urd makes to the episode are effectively splattering Belldandy's cake mix and blowing up Keiichi's motorcyle motor that he had been working on(both while under the guise of being helpful). She also sends a few snide, but true, comments Skuld's way, which, of course, instigates an equally unpleasant reaction from the youngest sister. At one point the two are about to have an all out lighning bolt vs. Skuld bomb battle in the temple but (sadly) Belldandy plays peacemaker and the issue comes to an uneasy resolution and Skuld continues her whining. She then attends the race that Keiichi was entered into wearing a rather ridiculous outfit akin to what is worn by Las Vegas showgirls. Urd's very last contribution to the episode is to tell Keiichi what a loser he is for forgetting his wallet in jacket and not even being able to buy a girl a present (the present being a ring for Belldandy which has more meaning in the final episodes). The last two episodes of the five episode series are, as most of the series is, mainly focused on Keiichi and Belldandy. Urd does play a role by attempting to help solve the problem that is sending Belldandy back to the heavens (and breaking a rule or five in the process). She takes on Skuld as an assistant though it seems as though Skuld is the only one doing any of the initial work. Their goal is to create a Ultimate Magic Circle which is a breech of regulations but throughout the series Urd seems to do very little that is allowed by their regulations. These episodes show a bit of the softer side of Urd as she takes care of Keiichi after he collapses from working so late. But as to working to solve Belldandy's problem, Skuld's quick to accuse Urd of wanting to keep Belldandy on earth so Urd wouldn't be stuck there alone (she's still in banned from returning). Skuld's probably not too far off the mark but Urd also points out that they don't want to see a heartbroken Belldandy. After the climax and the happy ending (at least for Keiichi and Belldandy) Urd receives some not so happy from up above, the notice of a thirty day license suspension.
Urd mostly plays comic relief in episodes two and three. This is not surprising as the beginning of the manga mostly focuses on Urd as comic relief. Even during the Lord of Terror Arc, Urd (infected by the Lord of Terror) seemed to spend more time thinking about TV than worrying about her plans to "destroy the universe".