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Blue vision 3.0                              
Where dreams await you             

Proud affiliate of anime alleyway

About me

Name: Jay Seo

Birthdate: January 14th, 1991

Birthplace: Seoul, Korea


 Well, as you all probably know, the wheelchair exists no more and I am back to normal! =D Well, almost back to normal anyway -_-"" Now I'm back to playing soccer with my friends and enjoying the summer... woohoo! Anyhowz, I'm the webmaster of this beautiful creation called Blue Vision 3.0. I'm only 13 years of age. I like collecting cards, going to tournaments, and whooping my friends virtually via video games.

I'm a puny, skinny little boy, who's only 145cm. But apart from this minor physical delusion, lies a superior mind surpassing even that of the Lord of the Nerds, Bill Gates! No, not really XD but I'm pretty good at academics and as you can see, web designing too.

So there you go. Now you know about me, JSI (BTW, JSI stands for Jay Seo International, International being the fact that I was born in the Korea Republic).  I'd uh, rather not mention my craving to annoy every girl on the planet, but then again, I'd never get married then, would I?

PS: Did I just mention my craving to annoy every girl on the planet? X_x