This is Ross Albertson, and welcome to my web site. This is an attempt to
create a truly comprehensive, but easy to learn, programming language. I want
to create an alternative to the BASIC-based and C-based languages currently
out there. This is my first attempt at designing a language, so bear with
me. I welcome all serious contributions to this endeavor from others. You
can reach me at cuileanraven@hotmail.com
. I will entertain any suggestion for features to add to Phoenix. Lastly,
any attempt at implementing Phoenix as a functional language is welcome, provided
that the language implemented incorporates all of the ideas that are on this
site. If, for some reason a feature listed on this site is very difficult
or impossible to incorporate into a compiler or interpreter, let me know.
Oh, and I plan to use the extension .phx for source code. Contact me by e-mail
or by phone (815-397-9113) if you plan on writing a working version of Phoenix.
Getting started with Phoenix
Variables and Some Built-In Classes
Branching Statements
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