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;) Sarcasm.
Or sarcasime if you prefer.

;) Over use? Or over abuse? There is something that I see happening constantly,
and it irritates the hell out of me.
That is, the abuse of the fine skill of sarcasm.
I'm not joking, I'm being sarcastic.
Seriously though, in recent years I have seen a huge influx in the use and abuse of sarcasm through my school's society.
I don't mean to brag, but I do believe that I was quite an early user of sarcasm, by the end of my primary school years, I had developed my sarcasm and it became second nature for me.
My sarcasm was often so developed that people would fail to notice it's use, (remember, majority of people out there are dim-witted, they wouldn't realise the use of rhetoric if it came up to them and introduced itself)
This became a problem as often the true underlined meanings of my words went often unseen or ignored. I became just a poor misunderstood girl. In the end, due to others shortcomings, I was forced to begin to abuse sarcasm, for the sake of others.
My use of sarcasm became coarse and blantedly obvious. The true skill of sarcasm is to be able to use it without it having the necessary appearence of being sarcasm...
Sounds oddly familiar... Oh yes, paraphrasing, An argument does not neccesarily have to be truth, only have the appearance of truth...
Sorry off the track there.
As I went through highschool, it became apparent that people were starting to use sarcasm. Year by year, more and more people were experiance their "sarcasm awakening" an ackward growing stage, much like puberty.
Suddenly there was a huge influx of sarcasm. However, I noticed that very few people were correctly using their new skill. Most people made sarcastic comments blantantly obvious (*by then I had stopped doing that myself and I have compromised, telling myself that I didn't give a flying fuck if majority of my school didn't understand me, *oooh, an air of mystery*)
For example, "Wow, that sounds fuuuunnnnn."
It sounds irritating (paraphrasing again but hell "A matyr is not a matyr due to the cause of their death by the cause by which they die," -Napoleon) What I mean is that it is not always the tone or use of your voice but more the context in which you use sarcasm...
I intend to type the written tutorial that I created for someone and post it on this site for future reference.
Just one last thing...
You are not cool.

;) Fin

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