I was to attend a celebrity dinner party. i was there looking lovely as always and of course no one spoke to me as i was there in a capacity to observe. Elijah Woods was there and he was being not-so-subtly seduced by an irritating blond woman.

Soon enough the marvellous elijah somehow morphs into Joey Jeremiah from the classic Degrassi series.

After this i observe, much to my dismay as the irritating blond forms a 'spiritual connection' w my elijah/joey.

Soon then Joey morhps into Grant Taylor (someone only a few of you know, but those who do, well yes.)

the blond then ditches elijah/joey/grant then it becomes my role to comfort him.

at this point i wake up, freak out, go back to sleep and turn grant back into elijah.

the dream ended well after that one.