There was a period in time in which everyone was pregnent (somewhat village of the dammed style) and everyone was giving birth at the same time.

While standing on the hospital steps i feel a tremndous pain and look down to see my child, a squid. It looked a lot like those jellyfish you find washed up on the beach.

At this point, i freak out and run away leaving my squid baby to fend for itself on hospital steps.

I then go to call a friend (louise) on a public phone. as i go to pick up the phone it rings and she is on the other line.

At this point she screams at me for leaving my squid baby and just yells at me in general.

Then, in a sudden burst of apprehension - it occurs to me that i may be dreaming. to test this theory, i start fucking around with my dreamscape.

Some interesting shapes and concepts were formed but of course i was then rudley awakened by the gay budgies.