From the moment we entered the backyard area, an air of disdain fell upon the fag, the hag, the dyke, the nursing student and the boy who seemingly hates all.


We took some happy snaps, but underneath were begining to feel somewhat, different, from the present company. (the one with the bandana is claire)

Soon we turned to drink.

with disasterous results.

Soon bitchiness emerged. And the Evil One was captured in her red eyed with hip sash glory.

Two thumbs up to that shot i'd say.

Eventually boredom sets in and out comes CELEBRITY HEADS!!!!
sarah (the nursing student) = danny de vito
ian (the fag) = dame edna everidge
sophie (the dyke) = bert newton
tony (the boy who seemingly hates everyone) = clint eastwood

Soon ness arives., although not early enough to save us from over induldgent intoxication.

Soon after ness's arrival, much cake is eaten and we abscond with the hostess claire.
A fair picture summary of the evening is as follows: