Mooloolaba Madness

It twas a weekend not to be forgotten for those involved. Lest we forget Mr. Whippy. It all began with a mass exodus from brisbane.

As we arrived we had to pay more money than expected and were left without food. So we headed off to Emma's parents house for a yummy nummy dinner, and towel flicking.

in any case, there were some remarkable adventures involving a game called Goono and wrestlemania in a tent. these pictures are yet to come. NO, WAIT. they now have their own special home right about ....... HERE


oh yes, and did we mention that lindsay is the spawn of satan?

OH! and we found a rocking thingie.

andrew like.


the next night, after goono (urgh). we played a lot of different games such as... three person speed (an intense experience at best)

indeed, many card games were played.

note the volvo, silhouetted in the background ... rar.

although lindsay was by far the superior card player.

oh yeah, and we also played fluffy bunny.

hey look its ME!

emma tried to take us out clubbing. but naturally, we piked.

the next day we found andrew in the following state ....

i mean whats up with that ?

he looks so innocent when he's sleeping .....

at one point lindsay seemed quite bitter.

but she soon perked up and helped andrew with the arduous task of deflating the lilo.

once again emma was doing all the work with regards to tent dismantle. but look at the pretty cleavage!

BUT here is the remarkable teddy's revenge/orgy scenario.

as you can see here, the evil peanut balled andrew is about to runover lucy bear.

but HAHA teddy then takes over the wheel.

and then for some reason he attempted to take alexs life.

then the devil arrived for some, pleasure.

but yes... this all occurred as emma and lindsay were hard at work.

alex on the other hand was busy breaking the lamp.

oh and eating

although even then she managed to get into trouble.


pete spent a fair amount of time courting a soccer ball.

lindsay looked mighty fine after her hot date.

and andrew.... welll ....

HOBO GLOVES!!!!!!!!!

lookit lookit ! WE HELPED!!

alex and i are perhaps enjoying sitting on the tent a little too much.

On the way back to brisbane ....

yes, im the one driving the volvo.

a quick stop over at mcdonalds was required.

But alas, the adventure is over. and all i have to show for it are some toys and a broken spoon on the floor of the car.