Mooloolaba Madness
version 2.0

This thing has gotten too big. you'd think since i seperated goono and tent wrestling that it would be ok. but no. there is more. more than we ever wanted to see.....

the first lot of mooloolaba shots

first let me start with my utter confusion and bafflement at this photograph.

- who's foot is that??? -

dont even wanna know ....

there is also an interesting one of emma. im assuming that it was taken post night o fridays from which alex, lindsay and i piked out on.

now there are some nice group shots.

strike a pose girls!

- booyah -

girls n cars


- i have no idea who took that ... -

frazzled alex

i believe i was trying to kill andrew with a hair brush

but look look ! SEE! we did do some work. andrew supervised of course

of course packing up soon denegrated into giggle land

yet another wierd photo of andrew n emma

i think alex was cleaning. but im sure that cannot be right.

yet another photo of that thingie.