yes, that is right, today (10/6/2002) is the birthday of stuart. in honor of this momentous occasion i would like to present a pictorial of his pre birthday gathering. unfortunately i do not have any photos from the RE or the Regatta (hmmm odd), which is probably for the best.

oh yeah, and thank you andrew for taking all the photos as i was lazy.

basically a lot of sitting around was done, and the conversations seemed to get increasingly dirty.

as conversation deteriorates totally, the more mature people head off to chat to stus parental unit.

then the real photographer comes out. and her camera is stolen..

i think i know what this is, but i will let you nut it out....

gizmos and gadgets ....

the boys have lost something REALLY important ....

at the soccer game that was to follow (i know, im as shocked that i attended as you are) andrew hid in some trees....