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Cimmura Grand Arena

    First off, you should have a plain set of rules that will be offered, nay, enforced on the competitors during battle.
· No significant amount of blood is to be drawn from an opponent.
· No intended killings by the opponent.
· Any weapons that one person can carry will be permitted.
· No assistance of any sort after the red flag is raised and while it remains so, lest there is royal consent. Offended competitors may file a complaint by drawing a blue ribbon to halt the battle.
· The recorded second may take the place of the competitor if their team mate passes out, is unable to fight, or if a beast is upon the arena battle grounds. They must withdraw immediately, should the beast fail to survive.
· Should the beast be attempting to murder a competitor, the opponent(s) is responsible for saving the life of the the one in danger if there is not assistance available. Otherwise, that opponent shall be immediately disqualified and shamed. If they do save the life of an opponent, they have the option of bringing out the second for the remainder of the competition.
· The red flag may be lowered under the guidance of a royal person, arena council majority, or medical folk majority.

The battling of two teams may last up to three days.
Note: New rules may be added by the royal house or council within a three days' distance from the scheduled first day of battle.

    You choose the winner, and I'll capture the war! It can be physical, not physical, or both. Leave your comments after you vote, so I can decide whether to include physical strain, hand-to-hand combat, etc... Hurry! The days of battle are drawing near.

Personal Scrolls

Sir Kalten:
Second - Talen
Wins - 0
Second's Wins - 0
Banner - Pandion Banner with two men on the warhorse
Common Attack - Sword Slash
Weapons - Sword, dirk, spears
Mount - Black Pandion warhorse
Team - The Elenium
Sub-Team - Pandion Assault
Precise Team Name - The Elenium Pandion Assault

Gandalf the White:
Second - Saruman the Grey
Wins - 3
Second's Wins - 0
Banner - White, gray embroidery, wooden staff, "G W"
Common Spell - Fire
Weapons - Staff, sword (Glamdring)
Mount - Black stallion (Shadowfax)
Team - The Lord of the Rings
Sub-Team - Wizards of the Mist
Precise Team Name - The Lord of the Rings Wizards of the Mist

~The Arena Log~
~The Arena Battle Library~

   Now, choose who should challenge the champion of the current battle... Decide who would make a more interesting show! As queen (Queen Ehlana) of this arena, I must ultimately choose the one most worthy of the next battle. For now, these here simply train for the coming days, and in proving themselves.

Arena Dungeons

   Now, there will be a single caged creature during each battle, that is on neither side. The creature shall attempt to destroy whatever it can get its hand on, so beware! I shall be released from the dungeons either after a certain time or in a stalemate.