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A 12 ft Flat-bottom Minimalist Overnight CabinCruiser.

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Update: 5.15.05

Finally.., Some more building

The weather was beautiful,   Sun, Warmth and I had the time to use both. I've had an Inquiry about plans for Chugger, so I decided to do some work on it, so I can finish them! Here is the butt block temporarily fastened to one panel of one of Chugger's sides.




Here we have the rear panel glued and screwed to the butt block. PL Premium and 3/4" SS screws. No skimping on the mechanical fasteners.

The glued area, before reattaching the front panel to the butt block.


The completed joint. My guess, very much stronger than the ply. Who needs ballast?.., I got screws!



The other side of the joint. This is also part of the framing, which explains why I used a 1x6"



Glue oozing out of the joint. Yep.., I used enough!!      I scraped this off after taking the pic.

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More of 5.15.02


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