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Fisher10  - Page 16



Somewhere between 29 May and 5 June, the seams got taped...


Same thing, different view. Notice the dart cut in the tape. This helps it lay flat on the curves.



Its a little hard to see but the cloth is on and wetted out. I couldn't take the time to stop in between and take pictures, so this is about an hour after the last photo was taken. Just to let you know..., ALL of the taping and glassing was done in one shot, between 1:25 and 4:00 AM, after I got off work. I did this because I wanted the cooler temps, so I had a little more working time with the epoxy.


I was at the end of my cloth supplies, and had to use the cut offs from the bow curve to get all the way to the front. Waste not, Want not!  I did not get pictures, but a night or two later, I put a filler coat on the bottom, to fill the weave of the cloth.  I used up the last of my fillers (wood flour and Cab-o-sil) and made the mixture about the same consistancy as very cool honey, or molasses. I spread it on with a 10" wide plastic edging guide, designed for painting. Worked like a charm.



Jump ahead about a week and a half, I have completed sealing the insides, attaching the outer rub rails, and sealing the outsides. Here we see the seat panels have just been done and are curing. I brought the boat with me to Guard camp hoping to get it finished enough to put into Lake Mitchell,   Mitchell, SD. I succeeded.

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