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Construction of a ScoutCanu Underway !!!




My son wanted a canoe to fish a little waterhole that he found, so we decided to build a ScoutCanu.


Yep! It looks like a barge. What I did was layout LilJon curves instead of the called for curve for Canu boats. I didn't have the plans in front of me and just wasnt paying attention to what I was doing. Soooo I screwed everything back together, and re-drew the lines to a much better curve. Unfortunately, my hand was less than steady with the cut and it was a very wavy and gouged cut. Sooooo (again), I redrew the lines for the second time and finally everything came together. I had my son's help with the cutting this time and the panels came out much better (below).



A much smoother and longer curve, as befitting a canoe. The ends got a little thinner than the plans call for, but that's OK.


So here is the profile, in the straight. Once the sides are joined to the bottom, the tops will be flared with spreaders and this will pull the bow and stern up a little, providing a little more rocker in the middle.



Here we have the bottom getting joined. I use a fiberglass joint, with cloth on both sides. This is the first side (inside) of this panel. The white spots were caused by something on the tape. It didn't affect the epoxy bond though. The panels are screwed to a piece of 3/4" ply, through the stitch holes. We drilled the holes while the wood was sandwiched, so everything is even. We put holes every 6", starting from where the panels join. Once the resin has cured, the panels are flipped, screwed back down and taped. The side panels were done the same way. I didn't have screws short enough to do it the way the plans call for, so here is another way. I had this piece just laying around and decided to put it to good use.


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Plans Available Below:

Original CubCanu:              Mk11, ScoutCanu, ScoutYak:

Usefull info on wood and epoxy building: