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Construction of a ScoutCanu Underway !!!




My son wanted a canoe to fish a little waterhole that he found, so we decided to build a ScoutCanu.

Started working on the rubstrips and remembered to take a pic about an hour later. If ya gonna build boats, ya need a lot o clamps! I didn't even let the glue (PL Premium) cure with the clamps on, but screwed it instead. The clamps were to get the proper positioning for screwing.


Here is the end result. All screws go from the inside out. The spreaders are not necessary for keeping the shape as it sits, but if leaned on its side, it wouldn't hold the shape.

Pretty nice Profile. The ends are a little thinner than called for in the plans, due to my oops' in cutting the side panels. It should still make a minimum fuss through the water. We shall see Monday, 2 Sep.


Thursday: 8.29.02:

Using "gravity clamps" to clamp the keel/rubstrip to the bottom of the boat. Screws have been driven in from the inside, but the last 4 ft is just glue, see below for why.


Here is the slot cut for the Skeg. I made it 4 ft long, but the skeg might not be that long. It is nominally 1/2" wide. I should have dug out the band saw as the jigsaw made an awful mess. I will be laminating 2 pieces of 1/4" ply to make a 1/2" thick skeg. We also put a coat of Spar Varnish on the bottom, as it will stay "bright". My son wants to paint the sides multicolor, like a tucan, and call it tuki, like the bird in George of the Jungle. I'm just hoping to get it waterworthy by monday.

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Plans Available Below:

Original CubCanu:              Mk11, ScoutCanu, ScoutYak:

Usefull info on wood and epoxy building: