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Construction of a ScoutCanu Underway !!!




My son wanted a canoe to fish a little waterhole that he found, so we decided to build a ScoutCanu.

We put the decks on but I didn't get a pic with the boat upright, and the Gravity Clamps were in place so Bub lifted the end and I shot this from underneith. I layed the ply over the boat and traced the shape, cut it and glued and screwed it. This is the fore end with a 2 ft deck and the stern has an 18" deck.


A shot of the cavity. We still haven't sealed the inside, and probably should have got the bottom side of the deck before installing, but we were in a hurry. I will put a sealer coat in at a later time. I am debating putting in bulkheads to seal the ends. The boat is still less than perfectly stiff, as it can twist a little and I think the bulkheads will be the key.



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Plans Available Below:

Original CubCanu:              Mk11, ScoutCanu, ScoutYak:

Usefull info on wood and epoxy building: