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Construction of a ScoutCanu Underway !!!


My son wanted a canoe to fish a little waterhole that he found, so we decided to build a ScoutCanu.




The boat is launched!


Dad doing the first test.

I am sitting in weeds. They come up the surface of the water, and really impede the progress of the boat. The wind was really blowing too, as you can see by the water and rushes in the background.


Here are the kids, Steven Jr. and Nitasha. Still working out the "perfect paddling technique". The boat is the boy's 12th birthday present.


Getting the hang of it.


Now we're cooking with gas.


Girl's solo. The boat is barely in the water with her 110 lbs and the boats 35 or so.


Fighting the wind. The wind is almost full on her starboard side. Look at the surface of the water, those are the tops of the weeds. You could almost walk on the water, they were so dense.


Here the boy put down the fishing rod long enough to take it out for a spin. He's sitting a little forward of where he should be.


Zipping along in a small clear water area. He weighs in at about 135, for a total of 170 lbs. Still got lots of room.


Stability check! The water doesn't get over 4 ft deep, and the boy is a competiton swimmer, so to fall over and get wet would only be fun. He didn't fall over.


Sitting back, better lines.


Dad and daughter on a quick circuit of the pond.


Doing a speed run, but forgot the drag chute. We ended up plowing into the reeds on the right. Great Fun, good laughs!!! Look at that wind!


My son is trying to paddle the bottom mud, which is why the boat is heeling so much. We are sitting on pfds and flotation cushions.

Here we are at another lake. We have just come back from a nice 45 minute cruise around the perimeter. Doing some bank fishing, before headding home for supper and football practice.


Caught a Whopper! The perch and bass were biting like mad, but they were little more than the minnows we were fishing with.


Boy N Birthday Boat, named Tuki (multi-color Tucan paint job to come later). Yes, we cleaned up the mess before leaving. Had a great time and hope to repeat it a couple of more times before winter.

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Plans Available Below:

Original CubCanu:              Mk11, ScoutCanu, ScoutYak:

Usefull info on wood and epoxy building: