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Construction of a ScoutCanu Underway !!!




My son wanted a canoe to fish a little waterhole that he found, so we decided to build a ScoutCanu.

Today we installed the Skeg and started sealing the interior. I PLed a couple of pieces of 1/4" together and installed them in the slot we had previously cut in the keel strip. Before we put it in, the slot was buttered very well with PL. Too well it turns out.


This is another shot, but if you look at the base of the skeg you will see the PL foaming out, also by the front clamp. Even after wiping these off, it continued. When I went by about 3 hours later there were more foamings. Cleaned these off too, but I think I'll have a little sanding before all is said and done. I did discover that PL can be cut with a sharp knife quite easily and is easy to trim off this way.


Skeg in proper profile. I hope we don't need a bigger/longer one to work properly . We will probably not be able to paint the boat in the colors the boy wants to, before monday, so a couple coats of Helmsman Spar Varnish are going on instead. He will paint after, when we can find the paint. The sides are sanded to accept the varnish. We put a coat on after this picture was taken.


After about 4 hours of drying time, I got the chance to swing by and put the boat away. I snapped this as I was leaving. We managed to center the skeg quite well, I think. For those who use Progressive Epoxy and get them in the cans and Plastic tubs, I found the perfect solution to transfering it to 1 gallon bottles that the pumps fit.. Take a 2 liter bottle and cut the top off, about 4" down, or just above the label. Drill some holes in the cap and cut the remaining plastic out. The soda bottle part will fit right into the opening of the 1 gallon bottles, with a snap. This makes a perfect funnel and actually takes some effort to pop out.


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Plans Available Below:

Original CubCanu:              Mk11, ScoutCanu, ScoutYak:

Usefull info on wood and epoxy building: