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A Quick and Dirty Sailboat/Rowboat

More of day 3.

'The Dungeon'. Here is the assembly area, about 35x12' and warm enough for stuff to cure/dry. It is a lot dingier that it looks here, the flash did a great job of lighting things up.

Cut a couple of Butt blocks and started gluing the panels together. I thought I took a pic of the blocks, but guess not. There is 3/4" space at the bottom of the block for the chine log, and a couple inches at the top for the gunn'l. The blocks are 3" wide, a little more than necessary. I wanted a little more beef in the area of the front bulkhead, once it comes to chopping the front end off of the boat. I smeared the PL so that it coated the whole piece and also put some on the panel, much like putting on contact cement.

A couple of screws here and there for a little clamping pressure.

Et Voila! One each completed side panel. Now to do the other up real quick, then on to the transom.

Cut and fit 1x2 material for framing, glue and screw. You will want to overhang the sides and bottom, so that you can bevel the edges for a better fit.

Notice I didn't extend the top or bottom frame pieces, this was a mistake. I didn't think about the overhang until the two were already attached. What I did do is lay the transom panel on the 1x and trace the angle and cut. Suggested way: do the same thing except extend about 1/4" on each edge. The top frame piece is flush with the top of the transom, the bottom extends below by about 1/4".

Here is a shot showing the extended portions of the framing. This will be sufficient to glue and screw to, and with FG tape on the outside, will be plenty strong.

A few screws and some interesting contortions later, we have a boat shape.

This is looking like a boat already.

Get the Point? The stem piece is 64° at the bow angle. I simply set the table saw at 32° (half of 64) and cut a 2x4 to a point. I could have stitched the bows together but I would like to keep the epoxy usage to a minimum. This makes the building less expensive and less complicated. It is now 3 am and time to go home, check email and get some sleep.


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