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After England had beaten Argentina 1-0 to boost their chances of making the second round, I decided to fly out to Osaka to see the final group game and meet up with Boris and Nick. Couldn't find them the first night so went out drinking by myself and met loads of English fans in the bars.Bought a ticket the next day for 30,000 yen(170 pounds) which wasn't too bad as it was a $150 category A ticket for the Nigeria section! Anyway the game was the most boring match of the world cup and finished 0-0.
Fans in silly hats , pretty much everyone in an England shirt except me!
The Japanese had pretty much adopted England as their second team
We were marshalled by excitable police with loudhailers to the appropriate part of the stadium
99% of the crowd were there to support England
probably only about 50 fans decked in green, though as most of them had instruments they made quite a din
The national anthems
Boris and Nick having a swift beer in one of the numerous street side mini-bars
Acting the goat with a monk....well I gave him 100 yen
Quick photo opportunity with some birds....
....And some more, they showed us the way to the curry house
The police were never very comfortable with crowds gathering on the street, and when England fans started jumping about and singing, Japanese would inevitably join in and then the police would move in to break it up.

Well, there you go, 2 days and 2 nights in Japan to watch a crap game!! But it was still worth going to for the experience.

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