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Wavy decided to make an honest woman of Brenda after they had spent at least a couple of years, more or less glued to each other!! We thought the infatuation would wear off after a few months, but no... Brenda never did stop touching him....!!

Stunned guests arrive en masse from Taiwan!!

July 2003, picked Cathy up in Oxford and made the long trip up north.We were the first to arrive and checked into a bed and breakfast with this view of the lake.
The others all turned up the day of the wedding...we only got there at the last minute because we couldn't find the registry office.Here you've got Boris, the pregnant Chen and Micky Tandy behind.
the after ceremony poses, Wavy's daughter from a previous marriage is standing next to him
Out on the steps, and would that be Jayo looking bedraggled already!!
We stopped off in a place called "Crook" on the way back to the reception for a swift pint and judging from the motley arrangement of characters, it was aptly named!!
Back at Wavy's dad's house, Derby Mark and Neil Beatty are looking dead chuffed!!
Jerry Broone, Tanders and Jayo looking a little happier...
Mick and Boris opposite the B&B
Well, after the garden party everyone headed off to the pub. Cathy was very drunk so we went back to the guest house and ended up falling asleep. Waking up hours later at about 11pm we were too late for anything and Cathy's hair had chewing gum in it......
Everyone else stumbled home really late and most of them all shot off in the morning...We decided to go and explore
Bought boat tickets to Ambleside and off we went...
<a href="kenlakes.mpg"> <img src="cathysmile.jpg" border="0" align="left" width="160" height="120" vspace="10" hspace="20" /> </a>

Lake Windemere in all its glory!!

Arrived at the other end and who should we bump into but some rather hungover guys from the day before.

An interesting trip as I've never been to the Lake District before and of course it was good to see the lads again....Congratulations Wavy!!.....However at the back of my mind I knew it was going to be my last time with Cathy as in 2 day time I was heading back to Taiwan

Click on the flag to be transported to Taiwan or select one of the other fine pages to look at

Danshwei HouseGarethCathyTaiwanMarks page