Richard Roundtree. A complicated man...noone understands him but his woman. He's hotter than Bond and cooler than Bullitt. Know where the hell he's going? To get laid...HAHAHAHAAA!!>

Harvey Keitel is about thiry percent weiner. His turn in "Bad Leutenant" made me terrified of his wang for life. However, his appearance in "Reservoir Dogs" taught me many new and inventive ways to use the word "fuck." So...um...FUCK.

Francis. Albert. Sinatra. How can you not be in awe of a man with one of the greatest voices in music history and ties to history's wisest wisemen? You're damned right his ass is shot, baby...HE WORKED IT OFF!

ALF. This gentleman...er..thing...fell to earth in 1986 from the planet Melmac. The one-time Gordon Shumway has always been a huge influence on me and the way I live my life. Were it not for him, I wouldn't have started eating cats. He's now in phone commercials with Terry Bradshaw and still does the occasional stag film. HA! I kill me!

Harrison Ford. I don't know any male my age who didn't spend formative years pretending to be Han Solo or Indiana Jones. The only thing cooler about him? He used to be a carpenter, which means that the galaxy's baddest smuggler and the world's greatest adventurer is actually nothing more than a blue collar guy with a good agent. I have a sudden desire to drink a beer with Jack Ryan.

Johnny Fucking Cash. You can go elsewhere on the site and read how I feel about the guy. So, for now...let me just say: JOHNNY FUCKING CASH. I'm done.

True believer, this is Stan Lee. I often wonder how my life would've turned out without this man and his contribution. What are those contributions? He founded Marvel Comics, babee!! He is the reason we have Spider-Man, The Hulk, The Fantastic Four...all the greats. He has also prevented more guys from getting laid than anyone throughout history. His love for us is both blessing and curse. Excelsior!