Theatre II focuses on Advanced Acting Skills, Theatre III focuses on Directing for the Stage, Theatre IV is an Honors course in which students produce an event or pursue an internship with a local professional theatre company.
Students in all three courses create their own shows and tour educational theatre programs. Rehearsals for class projects & productions often go beyond the allotted class period and students are expected to work outside of class time on a semi-regular basis. (This outside commitment takes the place of traditional homework assignments.) Students are coached through advanced character analysis, prepared for outside community and professional auditions, and attend directing and playwriting seminars. Student assessment is based on class work.
Course Information:
Theatre Research Project: Advanced
Scenes 2017
Class Productions:
2000/2001: Scrooge Extreme
2001/2002: Stefani Hero
2002/2003: Alice in Wonderland
2003/2004: Museum
2004/2005: Once in a Lifetime
2005/2006: The Laramie Project
2006/2007: A Midsummer Night's Dream - Pirate Style
2007/2008: The Grapes of Wrath
2008/2009: The Love of Three Oranges
2009/2010: LUV
2010/2011:Property Rites & Cave Dream
2011/2012: Our Town
CYIT 2011 iphone
CYIT 2011 QuickTime