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Logo du LIS   Alan Chauvin

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Revues avec comité de lecture

    Mermillod, M., Chauvin, A., & Guyader, N. (in press). Comparative Efficiency for Scene Categorization of Orientation Channels in the Striate Cortex. Brain & Cognition.
    Peyrin, C., Chauvin, A., Marendaz, C., & Chokron, S. (in press). Hemispheric specialization for spatial frequency processing in the analysis of natural scenes. Brain and Cognition. pdf
    Ballaz, C., Marendaz, C., Chauvin, A. & Peyrin, C. (2001) L'orientation canonique comme déterminant de la saillance perceptive. In Cognito, 22, 37-46.

Chapitre de livre

    Chauvin, A., Hérault, J. and Marendaz, C. (2002). Natural scene perception: visual attractors and image neural computation and psychology. In W. Lowe and J. Bullinaria (Eds.), Connectionist Models of Cognition and Perception : World Scientific Press.pdf

Communications orales

    Mermillod, M., Guyader, N., & Chauvin, A. (2003, 28-30 August). Does the energy spectrum from Gabor wavelet filtering contain sufficient information for neural network recognition and classification tasks? Paper presented at the Eighth Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop (NCPW 8) : Connectionist Models of Cognition, Perception and Emotion, University of Kent, UK.
    French, R. M., Mermillod, M., Chauvin, A., Quinn, P. C., Mareschal, D., (2002) The Importance of Starting Blurry: Simulating Improved Basic-Level Category Learning in Infants Due to Weak Visual Acuity. Paper presented at 24th conference of the Cognitive Society, Fairfax Virginia, USA. pdf, html
    Chauvin, A., Hérault, J. and Marendaz, C. (17-19 septembre 2001). Natural scene perception: visual attractors and image neural computation and psychology. Paper presented at Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop, Brighton.pdf
    Chauvin, A., Marendaz, C., & Hérault, J. (2001). Perception des scènes naturelles: Simulation d'interactions " scène - objets " par carte de saillance. Bulletin de la Société Française d'Optique
    Chauvin, A., Hérault, J., & Marendaz, C. (1999). Modèle de cartes de saillance par filtres passe-bande orientés couplés. Communication presentée à ORASIS'99, Journées francophones des jeunes chercheurs en analyse d'images et perception visuelle, Aussois

Communications affichées

    Mermillod, M., Guyader, N., & Chauvin, A. (2003, May 2003). Visual Image Classification by Linking an Artificial Retino-Cortical System to a Back-Propagation Neural Network: Performance and Industrial Possibilities. Paper presented at the BIOFORUM 2003 (meeting between Bio-industries and young Life Sciences researchers). Liège. Belgium.
    Mermillod, M., Guyader, N., & Chauvin, A. (2003, April). Predominance of Vertical and Horizontal Orientations in Columns of Complex Cells in V1: their Importance for Categorization. Paper presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, New York, United States.
    Mermillod, M., Guyader, N., & Chauvin, A. (2003, February). Predominance of Vertical and Horizontal Orientations in Columns of Complex Cells in V1: their Importance for Connectionist Categorization. Paper presented at the 2003 Latsis Symposium on Neural Coding and Modeling, Lausanne. Swizterland.
    Guyader, Chauvin et Leborgne (2002) Catégorisation de Scènes Naturelles - l'Homme vs la Machine, Neurosciences et Sciences de l'Ingénieur pdf
    Chauvin, A., Guyader, N., & Hérault, J. (2002, 25 au 29 Août). Arguments for scene categorization with image amplitude spectra. Paper presented at European Conference on Visual Perception, Glasgow. UK. pdf, html
    Peyrin, P., Chauvin, A., Marendaz, C., & Chokron, S. (2002, 20, 21 and 22 June). Hemispheric specialization for spatial frequency processing in the analysis of natural scene. TENNET XIII, Montreal, Canada. html
    Chauvin, A., Marendaz, C., & Hérault, J. (2001, 3, 4 et 5 Mai). Modèle de carte de saillance attentionnelle et attracteurs visuels. Actes du Colloque Jeunes Chercheurs en Sciences Cognitives, Institut des Sciences Cognitives, Lyon France.
    Chauvin, A., Hérault, J., & Marendaz, C. (2000a, 27 et 28 Novembre). Perception des scènes et des objets : étude et simulation de la dichotomie local / global. Actes du Colloque invariants & variabilité dans les sciences cognitives, Ministère de la recherche, Paris, France. pdf
    Chauvin, A., Marendaz, C., & Hérault, J. (2000b, 20 et 21 Octobre). Perception des scènes naturelles : effets des attracteurs visuels. Actes du colloque Temps et Sciences Cognitives, Collège de France. Paris, France.

Alan Chauvin